
Hugo: 尼克森與那群失去靈魂的紅頭蒼蠅

一隻小螢火蟲在路經尼克森圖書館(Nixon Library)時,驚訝地看見了館內的毛澤東與周恩來銅像旁,飛滿了許多失去靈魂的紅頭蒼蠅,牠們竟然不知道已經在不經意當中,被這有毒的銅像感染了可怕的黑死病,牠們依然在唱著,“Let me sell my soul in order to be the evil red killer king’s friend! ”

螢火蟲氣憤地對那群紅頭蒼蠅說,“It is a shock as well as a shame that the Chinese Hitler statues are displayed in this free country. Mao and Zhou killed more than 80 million people in East Asia land. Many people are not aware of the truth; they are blind in their souls and refuse to face the bloody history. The evil statues are supposed to be destroyed, just like the evil empire of red CCP should be finally destroyed.”

2009-6-17(Hugo Liberalitas:http://hugolovelordjesuschrist.blogspot.com/