
Hugo: 孔子論“仁”的三段論證謬誤


將“仁者愛人”、“克己復禮為仁”、“夫仁者,己欲立而立人,己欲達而達人” ,變成邏輯公式後立即可以清楚地辨識其荒謬的話術;這是兩千多年來,漢文化與漢文字世界,該作而卻沒作的基本工作,原因很清楚,因為東亞大陸人的腦子早被專制文化給洗壞了。

將“仁者愛人”、“克己復禮為仁”、“夫仁者,己欲立而立人,己欲達而達人” ,變成邏輯公式,即是“X=A”、“Y=X”、“X=Z”,然而,孔子對A(愛人), X(仁者), Y(克己復禮), Z(己欲立而立人,己欲達而達人)均無明確與具體範疇的定義。

首先我來論證孔子的“仁者愛人” ,“仁者”如何等於“愛人” ?“愛人”是“愛”什麼“人”?

依照孔子的理論,“父為子隱,子為父隱,直在其中矣”(《論語子路篇第十三》)與“仁者,人也,親親為大” (《中庸‧哀公問政》),因此這裡所謂的“愛人”是指 “先愛親人,然後再談愛非親之人” ,因此孔子的公式可能是X=A(指仁者必須先愛親人) or X= -A(指仁者可以不愛某些人,如“敵人”或“對親人有威脅的好人”),因此孔子的X與A並無邏輯上的若且唯若(“if and only if ")關係。

在孔子“親親為大”與“親親相隱”的思想下,你還談什麼“Absolute moral, Absolute Love, Absolute Justice, Absolute truth, Absolute beauty, Absolute good”、“All men are created equal”、“Rule of Law, Supremacy of law, A foundation for both our liberties and for order, The fundamental to the western democratic order”、“Individual dignity, freedom, justice, liberty, and human rights”?你只能談“Rule by fear, Rule by law, Rule of King, Rule by a King, Rules for King”,不是嗎?

孔子的“仁者愛人”,並不具“Love God”(Mark 12:30)、“Love your neighbor as yourself” (Mark 12:31)、“ Love your enemies as yourself”(Matthew 5:44)與“God is Love” (1 John 4:8)的內涵,並不具“Absolute moral, Absolute Love, Absolute Justice, Absolute truth, Absolute beauty, Absolute good”、“All men are created equal”、“Rule of Law, Supremacy of law, A foundation for both our liberties and for order, The fundamental to the western democratic order”、“Individual dignity, freedom, justice, liberty, and human rights”的內涵,並不具普遍性與絕對性的內涵,因此它無法開展出類似《10 Commandments》 與“Modern Democracy”的文明。

主耶穌基督說," 'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.' This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.' All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments." (Matthew 22:36-40) ,因此主耶穌基督所說的“Love”是具普遍性與絕對性的內涵,因此主耶穌基督的理念可以開展出偉大的《10 Commandments》 與“Modern Democracy”文明。


依照孔子的理論,“非禮勿視,非禮勿聽,非禮勿言,非禮勿動” (《論語顔淵第十二》) 、 “君君、臣臣、父父、子子” (《論語顔淵篇第十二》)、“丘聞之,民之所由生,禮爲大。非禮無以節事天地之神也,非禮無以辨君臣、上下、長幼之位也,非禮無以別男女、父子、兄弟之親,婚姻疏數之交也。”(《禮記•哀公問》),因此這裡所謂的“克己”是指 “依禮克己”,因此這裡所謂的“復禮”是指 “嚴守等級制與捍衛專制文化”與“放棄Individual dignity, freedom, justice, liberty, and human rights意識與接受集體主義文化”,因此孔子的Y與X並無邏輯上的若且唯若(“if and only if ")關係。

在其次我來論證孔子的“夫仁者,己欲立而立人,己欲達而達人” ,“己欲立而立人,己欲達而達人”如何等於“仁”?“己欲立”是“立”什麼?“己欲達”是“達”什麼?

依照孔子的理論,“興於詩,立於禮,成於樂” (《論語•泰伯篇第八》)、“ 君子博學於文 ,約之以禮,亦可以弗畔矣夫”(《論語•雍也第六》),因此這裡所謂的“立”是指“立於禮”,因此這裡所謂的“達”是指“達於禮”(如“知書達禮”的概念),因此這裡所謂的“立於禮”與“達於禮”還是指“嚴守等級制與捍衛專制文化”與“放棄Individual dignity, freedom, justice, liberty, and human rights意識與接受集體主義文化”,因此孔子的X與Z並無邏輯上的若且唯若(“if and only if ")關係。

一個認同“等級制、差序位格、絕對忠、絕對孝、絕對服從尊長、家長制、權威意識、集體主義、崇尚專制”文化者,必然會以這些“Anti-God and Anti-absolute moral truth”文化的價值,來摧毀“Individual freedom”與“Independent logical thinking and abstract thinking” (個體人的獨立邏輯思考與抽象思考能力)等意識。

一個認同“等級制、差序位格、絕對忠、絕對孝、絕對服從尊長、家長制、權威意識、集體主義、崇尚專制”文化者,必然會以這些“Anti-God and Anti-absolute moral truth”文化的價值,來摧毀“The God”、“Absolute moral, Absolute Love, Absolute Justice, Absolute truth, Absolute beauty, Absolute good”、“Individualism, Liberalism, Individual person, Self-control, Self-responsibility, Self-directed morals, Modern Democracy, Spirit of Liberty”、“Individual dignity, freedom, justice, liberty, and human rights”、“All men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.”與'Freeman”等理念。

東亞大陸人在孔子“仁的三段謬誤論證”與“仁的Matrix”裡,荒謬地生活了(孔子,生於主曆前552年10月3日或前551年9月28日,歿於主曆前479年)兩千五百多年,東亞大陸人一直不明白“Confucius is Confused” 、“Confucius and Confuse”、“Confucius invented Confusion”、“A Confucian Confusion”與“Confucianism only causes confusion”等的意義,東亞大陸人的白癡大夢是不是應該醒了?

東亞大陸人是不是應該從現在的白癡大夢清醒,然後走向信仰“The God”、“Love the Lord Jesus Christ”、“Absolute moral, Absolute Love, Absolute Justice, Absolute truth, Absolute beauty, Absolute good”、“Individualism, Liberalism, Individual person, Self-control, Self-responsibility, Self-directed morals, Modern Democracy, Spirit of Liberty”、“Rule of Law”、“Individual dignity, freedom, justice, liberty, and human rights”、“All men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.”與“Freeman”等理念的精神文明?

2009-6-24(Hugo Liberalitas:http://hugolovelordjesuschrist.blogspot.com/)