
Hugo: Jesus is the only way of salvation.

人類用智能所創造的“儒教、道教、佛教、伊斯蘭教、印度教、神道教、錫克教、摩尼教、耆那教、苯教、巴哈教、瑣羅亞斯德教(祅教、拜火教)、威卡教(Wicca)、薩滿教、禪宗、瑣羅亞斯德教(拜火教)教、撒旦教、軒轅教(黃帝教)、一貫道、天道教、法輪功、被立王、主神教教、全能神、阿雷夫教(Aleph)、大衛教派(Branch Davidians)、關懷基督徒(Concerned Christians)、普世全勝教會(Church Universal and Triumphant)、人民聖殿教(Peoples Temple)、天堂之門(Heaven's Gate)、耶稣基督末世聖徒原教旨教會(Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints)、黑魔教、太陽神殿教(Order of the Solar Temple)、山達基(Scientology)、雷爾教派(Raelianism)與各種民間偶像崇拜教”等,都是什麼呢?

它們都是阻擋主耶穌基督的愛與光的墻,它們都是阻擋“True Love, True Justice, True Righteousness, True Moral, True Truth, True Freedom , True Equality , True Joy, True Happiness, True Peace, True Way, True Light”等價值的墻,都應該被推倒,都應該被清洗,都應該被過濾!

否則人類如何能擺脫罪(Original Sins, Sins and Crimes)的綑綁?如何能擺脫罪的懲罰(Sin and Punishment)?如何能擺脫罪的奴役(A slave to sin)?如何能避免死在罪中(The sin unto death, Dead in sin, Dead to sin, Die for your sins)?如何能擺脫永恆的苦難與被折磨命運?

否則人類如何能真正認識主耶穌基督的愛與光(Christ the Power and Wisdom of God ;Jesus Is the Only Way, the Truth, and the Life.)?如何能真正聽懂主耶穌基督的話(Jesus Is the Light of the World)?如何能真正接受主耶穌基督的愛與光(Glorify God in Body and Spirit, The Nature of Christian Freedom, Spiritual Blessings in Christ)?

否則人類如何能理解主耶穌基督是人類唯一的救贖道路 (Jesus is the only way of salvation)? 如何能活在主耶穌基督的愛與光(Alive to God, Life in the Spirit, The New Life in Christ)之中?如何能與主耶穌基督的愛與光(One in Christ, Unity in the Body of Christ)合一?

否則人類如何能全心全意全靈全力地愛主耶穌基督(“Love your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind” --Matt 22:37)?如何能遵從主耶穌基督的誡律去愛人(Love your neighbor as yourself, Love your enemy as yourself)?如何能為主耶穌基督工作(Slave of Righteousness, Light and salt of the world, Preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ, To Heal the Sickness, Drive Out The Devil)?

2009-7-26(Hugo Liberalitas:http://hugolovelordjesuschrist.blogspot.com/