
Hugo: 十一稅與Flat tax rate

《聖經‧舊約》規定十一奉獻,那就是將十分之一的收入奉獻給God,作為維持聖殿、祭司生活的費用; 那麼一個人將收入的十分之一,作為維持政府(All government's power come from the people)、公僕(All public officials are servants)的費用,這應該是十分合理的方式。

一個基督徒,需要支付“十一奉獻”(十一捐)給教會,還需要支付“十一稅”給認可與授權的政府,這是基督徒的責任; 一個非基督徒,需要支付“十一稅”給認可與授權的政府,這是非基督徒的責任。

我主張人類的政府只能收取十一稅(Flat tax rate),任何高於十一稅(Flat tax rate)的行為都是違反“Minarchism(Minimal Statism, Small Government)”、“Limited power of the government (Man is not free unless government is limited)”、“Positive non-interventionism”、“All government's power come from the people”、“People have the inalienable right to choose their public officials and to dismiss them”、“All public officials are servants”、“Government of the people, by the people, for the people”的理念原則,人類有權抗拒與推翻這樣的政府(Government)。

因此,任何一個政府(Government)以不同的名義或藉口,來徵收多於十一稅(Flat tax rate)的行為都是非法與不道德的,例如,徵收“消費稅、食品稅、遺產稅、公司稅、公司成立與維持稅、富人稅、奢侈品稅、結婚稅、關稅、汽車牌照稅、公路稅、房屋稅、土地稅、環保稅、寵物稅”等。

“Flat tax rate and low tax policy”、“Laissez-faire Economy”、“Minarchism(Minimal Statism, Small Government)”、“Limited power of the government (Man is not free unless government is limited)”、“Positive non-interventionism”是人類“Spiritual Liberalization、Cultural Liberalization、Economic Liberalization、Political Liberalization、Educational Liberalization”的基礎。

“Flat tax rate and low tax policy”、“Laissez-faire Economy”、“Minarchism(Minimal Statism, Small Government)”、“Limited power of the government (Man is not free unless government is limited)”、“Positive non-interventionism”也是人類實現“All men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that they are among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.”與“All men have equal rights to liberty, to their property, and to the protection of the laws.”理念的必要條件。

2009-7-21(Hugo Liberalitas:http://hugolovelordjesuschrist.blogspot.com/