
Hugo: 東亞大陸漢化的人所不明白的“Democracy、Freedom、Liberty”真義



那麼那些近代著名的漢化人,例如,嚴復、林紓、魏源(《海國圖志》) 、姚瑩(《康輶紀行》) 、 徐繼畬(《瀛環考略》、《瀛環志略》)、梁廷枏(《海國四說》、《夷氛聞記》)、龔自珍、包世臣、張穆、沈垚、張際亮、林則徐(《四洲志》是林則徐所主持翻譯的)、張之洞、康有為、梁啟超、譚嗣同、林旭、劉光第、楊深秀、楊銳、康廣仁、楊度、陳獨秀、李大釗、章士釗、辜鴻銘、蔡元培、胡適、鄒容、錢玄同、章太炎、秋瑾、陳寅恪、趙元任、丁文江、張君勱、吳稚暉、于右任、胡漢民、王新命、何炳松、孫寒冰、章益、潘重规、方豪、樊仲云、薩孟武、陶希聖、譚延闿、黃侃、郭沫若、劉半農、傅斯年、羅家倫、蔣夢麟、王世傑、王光祈、周太玄、吳虞、賀麟、魯迅、周作人、梁漱溟、瞿秋白、夏丏尊、朱自清、郁達夫、沈從文、聞一多、梁實秋、王崇植、浦薛鳳、顧翊群、林語堂、馮友蘭、郁達夫、沈從文、許地山、馬寅初、徐志摩、张聞天、沈澤民、楊賢江、夏道平、曾慕韩、李幼椿、陈启天、张夢九、曾琦、李璜、左舜生、余家菊、周无、常燕生、魏时珍、鄭振鐸、熊十力、方東美、金岳霖、鄧中夏、張東蓀、巴金、黃興、陳炯明、孫文、宋教仁、汪精衛、周佛海、陳公博、廖仲愷、陳之藩、柏楊、殷海光、雷震、毛子水、楊賢江、陶百川、胡秋原、徐復觀、錢穆、陳果夫、陳立夫等人,他們懂“Democracy、Freedom、Liberty”的真義嗎?答案是“當然不懂了”!

如果你沒有真正的“耶穌基督道德理念與《十誡》信仰”,你如何可能理解“Democracy、Freedom、Liberty”的理念基礎,完全來自“耶穌基督道德理念與《十誡》信仰”?你如何可能理解“Democracy、Freedom、Liberty”的價值理念,完全來自“耶穌基督道德理念與《十誡》信仰”裡的“Love(Love your neighbor as yourself 、Love your enemy as yourself、Love each other as Jesus has loved you)、Justice、Righteousness、Faith、Holy spirit、Individualism、Liberalism、Absolute moral(Moral Legalization and Law Moralization)、Absolute truth、Absolute beauty、Absolute good、All man are created equal(that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness)、All man have natural human rights、Freeman、Free will and moral responsibility、Free will and moral choice、Freedom to make moral choices、‘Freedom isn’t Free; you have to fight for it’、‘Freedom - it needs you to fight for it’、‘I believe the highest aspiration of man should be individual freedom and the development of the individual.’( Ronald Reagan)、‘Those who deny freedom to others deserve it not for themselves.’(Abraham Lincoln)、‘Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both.’( Benjamin Franklin )、‘The God who gave us life gave us liberty at the same time; the hand of force may destroy, but cannot disjoin them.’(Thomas Jefferson)、‘The world has never had a good definition of the word liberty, and the American people, just now, are much in want of one. We all declare for liberty; but in using the same word we do not all mean the same thing. With some the word liberty may mean for each man to do as he pleases with himself, and the product of his labor; while with others the same word may mean for some men to do as they please with other men, and the product of other men's labor. Here are two, not only different, but incompatible things, called by the same name, liberty. And it follows that each of the things is, by the respective parties, called by two different and incompatible names-- liberty and tyranny.’(Abraham Lincoln) 、‘-- that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom -- and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.’(Abraham Lincoln)、Human nature and original sins (Tripartite Separation of Powers: Separation of executive, legislative, and judicial powers) 、The rule of law、People's servant(The government officers are the people's servants)、Self-identity、Self-dependent、Self-respect、Self-dignity、Self-determination、Self-administered、Self-evaluation、Self-awareness、Self-confidence、Self-representation、Self-government、Self-control、Self-responsibility、Self-joy、Self-defense、Self-protection、Self-directed morals、Self-enforced orientation、Happiness、Peace”等絕對思想 ?


例如,孫文與成龍的“自由觀”就是“放縱觀”。沒有“Self-dignity、Self-government、self-control、Self-responsibility、Self-directed morals”本質的“Freedom、Liberty”不就是“放縱”嗎?沒有“Self-dignity、Self-government、Self-control、Self-responsibility、Self-directed morals”本質的“Democracy”不就是“暴民政治、亂黨政治、特權政治、金權政治、強盜政治、黑金政治、財團政治、買票政治、賄賂政治、分贓政治、酬庸政治、暴力政治、謊言政治、作假政治與貪腐政治”嗎?

談“Democracy、Freedom、Liberty”,怎麼可以不先談“Self-dignity、Self-government、self-control、Self-responsibility、Self-directed morals”與“發展Self-dignity、Self-government、self-control、Self-responsibility、Self-directed morals理念的教育”呢?



2009-4-21(Hugo Liberalitas:http:/ blog.roodo.com/hugoliu1)