
Hugo: 美國民主之樹

美國民主之樹(Tree of Democracy)的根,就是『信仰耶穌基督的福音』與『信仰十誡的絕對道德理念』;美國民主之樹的樹幹,就是『Individualism、Liberalism、Absolute moral and Justice、Love your neighbor as yourself、Love your enemy as yourself、All man are created equal、All political power is inherent in the people』等價值理念;美國民主之樹的樹枝,就是『Democracy、Freedom、All man have natural human rights、The rule of law、People have the right to establish a nation、People have the right to autonomy、People have the right to establish a Constitution、All free governments are founded on their authorityand instituted for their benefit、Limited power of the government、Citizens are not subordinate to the government、Human rights transcend sovereignty』等價值理念;美國民主之樹的花朵,就是『American Spirit』與『Spirit of Liberty』等價值理念;美國民主之樹的樹葉,就是『American constitutionalism and American Constitutional Law』、『Tripartite Separation of Powers (Separation of executive, legislative, and judicial powers)』與『Democratic voting systems』等價值理念!

然而,近百年來普遍的東亞大陸與台灣人,他們總是以為只要摘下美國民主之樹的一片葉子--『Democratic voting systems』;然後將這一片葉子種在自己家的花園裡,它就可以自然長出『巨大的民主之樹』,這不就是近百年來普遍的東亞大陸與台灣人的思維方式嗎?


