
Hugo: 打倒孔家店vs. 拯救專制文化下苦難的奴隸




「如何我不引進『耶穌基督福音與十誡的道德律法』文化,那麼我如何能為東亞大陸建立『Individualism、Liberalism、Absolute moral、Absolute truth、Absolute beauty、Absolute good、Love your neighbor as yourself、Love your enemy as yourself、Democracy、Freedom、All man are created equal、Human rights、The rule of law、Only Truth can set us free、Constitutional government、Freedom of speech and press、People have the right to autonomy、All power from the people、Limited power of the government、Citizens are not subordinate to the government、Human rights transcend sovereignty、Tripartite Separation of Powers (Separation of executive, legislative, and judicial powers)、Protecting private property rights、Independent State、Constitutional federalism and political federalism、Laissez-faire Capitalism、Laissez-faire economic system、Laissez-faire education』等的價值理念文明?」



