
在中華文化的大糞缸旁,烏鴉望著缸裡因吃糞中毒而死的魯迅與胡適蛆屍對螢火蟲說,“魯迅不懂英文,所以它無法了解‘Arthur Henderson Smith’在《Chinese Characteristics》書裡結論所說的‘Power that makes for righteousness’與‘The manifold needs of China, we find then to be a single imperative need. It will be met permanently, completely, only, by Christian Civilization’,它晚年最終還是死在‘漢文化、漢文字、漢語言’所承載的‘儒屍毒’裡;胡適懂英文,但是它沒有‘Spiritual Eyes’(1 Cor 2:14-15; 2 Cor 4:3-4)來認知《Holy Bible》裡的‘Light’(Ps 43:3; John 8:12; John 1:4)與‘Truth’(Ps 119:160; John 14:6; John 8:32),它晚年最終也是死在‘漢文化、漢文字、漢語言’所承載的‘儒屍毒’裡,它們的命運多麼地虛無與悲慘(Is 40:17; Ecc 1:1-18; Ecc 3:19; Ps 62:9; Ps 78:33; Ecc 5:10;Jer 16:19)?”
螢火蟲望著缸裡無數中毒而已死與垂死的蛆說,“經上說,‘In fact, down till today whenever Moses is read, a veil lies upon their hearts. But when there is a turning to Jehovah, the veil is taken away. Now Jehovah is the Spirit; and where the spirit of Jehovah is, there is freedom. And all of us, while we with unveiled faces reflect like mirrors the glory of Jehovah, are transformed into the same image from glory to glory, exactly as done by Jehovah [the] Spirit.’(2 Cor 3:15-18),你為啥還不能認知此經文?”
“如果你不離不開這充滿‘儒屍毒’的‘漢文化、漢文字、漢語言、漢人等級社會、漢人傳統的生存術(儒家的權謀詭詐術與中庸術)、漢人傳統的價值觀(儒家的名利權位觀)、漢種族沙文主義意識、漢種族統治中心意識、漢種族大一統意識’糞缸與邪惡的‘中國’與‘中華’偶像意識,如果你不接受‘Jehovah's Spirit and Jesus' gospel’(Is 42:8; Mt 22:36-40; Exo 20:2-17; Deu 5:6-21; Mt 4:10),那麼你如何能成為‘A new creation’(2 Cor 5:17-18; 2 Cor 5:20; Phi 3:20; 1 Cor 6:19-20; 1 Cor 2:12)與進入‘Jehovah's kingdom’(Mt 6:10; Mark 10:30; Is 2:4; Is 42:8; Is 65:21-24; Ps 2:1-12; Ps 37:10-11; Ps 46:9; Dan 2:44; Rev 11:18; Rev 16:14-16; Rev 21:1-7)呢?”
2010-10-25(Hugo Liberalitas:http://hugolovelordjesuschrist.blogspot.com/)
Ps 1, 魯迅說,“我不懂英文,因此也不明這字的含義究竟怎樣” (《論費厄潑賴應該緩行》)、“可惜我不懂英文,只能自己說幾句。” (《野草》英文譯本序)、“可惜我不懂英文,所看的都是譯本。” (《雜憶》)
Ps 2, “Arthur Henderson Smith”在《Chinese Characteristics》(1890版)書裡的結論說: In order to reform China, the springs of character must be reached, and purified, conscience must be practically enthroned, and no longer imprisoned in its own palace, like the long line of Japanese Mikados. It is a truth well stated by one of the leading exponents of modern philosophy, that “there is no alchemy by which to get golden conduct from leader instincts”. What China needs is righteousness, and in order to attain it, it is absolutely necessary that she have a clear perception, and a deep conviction that there is a “Power that makes for righteousness.” The perception of such a power, gives a meaning to History, other than that of a blind evolution of unknown and unpreventable causes. Marcus Aurelius expressed the feeling of the best part of Paganism, when he said in substance, “things are repeated over and over from eternity,” “whatever happens, or is to happen, has in fact already been. It is only the same show repeated.” But the thought of progress, toward an end divinely contemplated, by agencies of new and transcendent effectiveness, that was common to Christians and “it formed the contrast,” as Neander has said, “between the Christian view of life, and the Pagan notion of a circle aimlessly repeating itself by a blind law of necessity.” “Christianity to-day, to a greater exent than ever before, is the moulding force of civilization…. It has passed in fact, into the thought and life of the world; and all recent enterprize among the nations of Christendom, for physical advance, for legal reform, for just amendment of political conditions, takes impulse and courage from this hope of the future. The age is one “impatient of Isthmuses”. It is equally impatient of mountain barriers, or of the obstacles to human intercourse interposed by winds and waves on the sea, by streams of desert-tracts on the land. And behind every drill which cuts the rock in the mountain tunnel, behind every engine which drives the ship against storm and tempest over the riotous fury of waves, or which propels the loaded train over alkali plains and rocky crests, is this invisible force of the spirit which since the new religion came, has expected a future to be wrought our by it, conformable to it, its ultimate crown of earthly glory.” The manifold needs of China, we find then to be a single imperative need. It will be met permanently, completely, only, by Christian Civilization.
Ps 3, 魯迅(1881年9月25日-1936年10月19日)晚年搜集、研究、整理了大量古代漢文字文學,例如,印《唐宋傳奇集》上冊(1927年)、印《唐宋傳奇集》下冊(1928年)、編著《中國小說史略》(1923年) 、編寫《漢文學史綱要》講義(1926年) 、輯錄《小說舊聞鈔》(1926年)、校《嵇康集》(1931年) 等賞糞與玩糞的工作。
Ps 4, 《魯迅傳》記載:“從一九二七年的十月起,他和黨結成了最堅定的,最緊密的聯盟。黨支持著魯迅,黨給魯迅指出道路,黨領導著魯迅前進。他的‘尊奉先驅者’的‘命令’的‘遵命文學’就是色彩鮮明地為著革命鬥爭服務的。” ,此時的魯迅充分表現了儒家“虛偽、宦奴娼、軟骨頭、吃軟飯(拿錢寫文章,他收“左聯”的錢)、出賣靈魂、當走狗、當權力者的工具”等特質,因為他根本是吃儒毒文化長大的儒蛆。
Ps 5, 胡適(1891年12月17日-1962年2月24日)在1919年《新青年》雜誌發表了《新思潮的意義》,他說:“我們對於舊有的學術思想,積極的只有一個主張,——就是整理國故。”;胡適晚年,從事研究《水經注》(1942年-1962年)、著《水經註版本四十種展覽目錄》(1948年)、編《乾隆甲戌脂硯齋重評石頭記》(1961年)、著《中國章回小說考證》(著述六十萬言,1979年出版)等“整理國故”的賞糞與玩糞工作。
Ps 6, 1959年3月16日,《自由中國》雜誌刊登了胡適《容忍與自由》一文,胡適在文章中指出,“容忍比自由更重要”、“我在這個世界裏,享受了四十多年的容忍與自由;我覺得這個國家、這個社會、這個世界對我的容忍度量是可愛的,是可以感激的;所以我自己總覺得我應該用容忍的態度來報答社會對我的容忍”、“容忍是一切自由的根本”。接著,胡適參加蔣介石第三次總統連任的國民大會開幕典禮(1960年2月20日),這等於為蔣介石的違憲連任背書,他為了要討好蔣介石,如此才可以保住中央研究院院長的職務,也保住這份職務豐厚的薪資,他的行為無異於是專制政權所收買的御用文人,他是吃儒毒文化長大的,他並沒有擺脫儒家“虛偽、宦奴娼、軟骨頭、吃軟飯、說謊、出賣靈魂、當權力者的工具”與“為尊者(當權者)諱,為親者(酬庸者)諱,為賢者(無賴皇帝)諱”等惡習。
Ps 7, 1962年2月24日,胡適參加中央研究院院士會議,胡適發表了一生之中最後的演講,他說道:“海外回來的各位,希望你們去立法院看看,委員們發表意見批評政府,充分的表現了言論自由。檢察院在那個破房子裏,一群老先生、老小姐在一起討論批評,非常自由。還有省議會,還有臺灣2百多種的雜誌,大家也可以看看,從這些雜誌上表示了我們的自由!”(《胡適之晚年談話錄》)。胡適講完了這番“謊話”之後,沒多久他就倒地而死了,這實在是一個文人莫大的諷刺,他臨死前還在說謊話;他在說謊話時,一定會設法忘記雷震等人被關押判刑與《自由中國》雜誌被迫停刊之事,否則他怎麽可能將“臺灣有言論自由”的話說出口?
請參閱: http://blog.roodo.com/hugoliu1/archives/2005-11.html&page=16
Ps 8, 1925年4月29日,魯迅在《燈下漫筆》一文裡說,“中國的時代無非是‘一,想做奴隸而不得的時代’、‘二,暫時做穩了奴隸的時代’”;他又說,“但實際上,中國人向來就沒有爭到過‘人’的價格,至多不過是奴隸,到現在還如此,然而下於奴隸的時候,卻是數見不鮮的。……”,原來魯迅所說的“奴隸”也包括他自己。
Ps 9, 1930年11月27日 ,胡適在《介紹我自己的思想》一文裡說,“現在有人對你們說,‘犧牲你們個人的自由,去求國家的自由!’;我對你們說,‘爭你們個人的自由便是為國家爭自由,爭你們自己的人格,便是為國家爭人格!自由平等的國家不是一群奴才建造得起來的!’”,原來胡適所說的“奴才”也包括他自己。