



「『十誡』是『美國獨立宣言』與『美國憲法』的唯一道德合法性基礎,是『American Spirit』與『Spirit of Liberty』的唯一道德合法性基礎,是『人類現代道德文明』與『人類現代科學文明』的唯一可能存在性基礎!」

「『十誡』是『Absolute moral』與『Absolute truth、Absolute beauty、Absolute good』的唯一可能存在性基礎,是『Moral individualism and Moral liberalism』與『Individual freedom、Freeman、Christian Freedom』的唯一道德合法性基礎,是『Love your neighbor as yourself』與『Love your enemy as yourself』的唯一可能存在性基礎!」

「『十誡』是『All power from the people』與『Citizens are not subordinate to the government』的唯一道德合法性基礎,是『Human rights transcend sovereignty』與『Civil rights and civil law』的唯一道德合法性基礎,是『All man are created equal』與『All man have natural human rights』的唯一道德合法性基礎!」

「『十誡』是『Economic Liberalization、 Political Liberalization、 Educational Liberalization』與『Laissez-faire Economy、Laissez-faire Education、Separation of the three powers (administrative, legislative and judicial) of American Constitutionalism』的唯一道德合法性基礎,是『Independent State』與『Constitutional federalism and political federalism』的唯一道德合法性基礎!」

「『十誡』是『Minarchism and Minimal statism』與『Positive non-interventionism』的唯一道德合法性基礎,是『Limited power of the government』與『Protecting private property rights and land privatization』的唯一道德合法性基礎,是『Freedom of speech and press』與『Enforced the nationalization of the armed forces』的唯一道德合法性基礎!」

「『十誡』是『People have full political right to establish a Nation and Constitution』與『People have full political right of Autonomy』的唯一道德合法性基礎,是『people have the constitutional right to own any weapon that the military owns and to provide protection against a tyrannical government.』與『Everyone has the inalienable rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness』的唯一道德合法性基礎!」


