

漢文化講“相對道德”(“陰陽哲學”),講“ “中庸哲學”,講“ 專制與封建文化”,講“ 祖先崇拜與宗法社會”,講“ 血緣意識與種族主義”,講“ 倫理差序位格與等級制”,講“三綱五常”,講“君要臣死,臣不得不死;父要子亡,子不得不亡”,講“普天之下,莫非王土;率土之濱,莫非王臣”,講“天子教化安定天下”,講“民主”(“統治為民之主”,此為漢文的原始涵義),講“自由”( 漢文的原始意義為“由自己作主,不受限制,也不受十誡限制”),講“平等”(漢文意指“剷平舊的等級與特權社會”與“重新建立新的等級與特權社會”),講“人權”( 甲骨文裡的“人”與“民”,均為“奴隸”,均為“統治者的私有財產”),講“法治”(“統治者以法治人”, 即Rule by Law),講“非我族類,其心必異”,講“四方之民皆禽獸也”,講“ 華夷之辨”,講“嚴華夷之防”,講“狼子野心,是乃狼也”,講“父為子隱,子為父隱”,講“ 以德報德與以直報怨”,講“福、祿、壽、喜、財”與“壽、富、康寧、攸好德、考終命”,講“ 干祿之術”,講“ 吾日三省吾身”,講“ 權謀詭詐”,它不就是撒旦的文化?它不就是黑暗與邪惡的文化?

耶穌文化講“絕對道德”( Moral Absolutism),講“Only Truth can set us free”,講“God so love the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him may not perish but may have eternal life.”,講“All man are created equal”,講“All man are created equal”,講“Ten Commandments”,講“Christ came to fulfill the Law”( Rule of Law的合法性基礎),講“No King but King Jesus.”,講“Love your neighbor as yourself”,講“Love for enemies”,講“Forgiveness”,講“Concerning Almsgiving”,講“God makes his sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the righteous and on the unrighteous.”,講“Salt and Light”,講“Concerning Treasures in Heaven”,講“Take God’s yoke”,講“Take up his cross and follow God”,講“For those who want to save their life will lose it, and those who lose their life for god’s sake will find it.”,講“Repent, for the kingdom of heaven has come near.”,講“God’s chosen servant”,講“ Drive out evil spirits.”,講“Heal every disease and sickness.”,講“Spread the Gospel”,它不就是God的文化?它不就是光明與正義的文化?


