

Edward Hunter(1902-1978)說,“I see, primarily, as part of this softening up process in America, the liquidation of our attitudes on what we used to recognize as right and wrong, what we used to accept as absolute moral standards. We now confuse moral standards with the sophistication of dialectical materialism, with a Communist crackpot Communist crackpot theology which teaches that everything changes, and that what is right or wrong, good or bad, changes as well. So nothing they say is really good or bad. There is no such thing as truth or a lie; and any belief we actually held was simply your being unsophisticated. They don’t say this in so many words, except to those who are already indoctrinated in communism.”

“The Communists have discovered that a man killed by a bullet is useless. He can dig no coal. They have discovered that a demolished city is useless. Its mills produce no cloth. The objective of Communist warfare is to capture intact the minds of the people and their possessions, so they can be put to use. This is the modern conception of slavery that puts all the others in the kindergarten age.”

“A system of befogging the brain so a person can be seduced into acceptance of what otherwise would be abhorrent to him. The process became so destructive of physical and mental health that many of his interviewees had not fully recovered after several years of freedom from Chinese captivity.”

小民哥贊同地說,“凡是專制的政權與文化,都會不斷地製造道德的混亂,都會不斷地對人進行洗腦(Brainwashing ,thought reform, re-education),都會不斷地設法使人變成低智商的動物;共產主義也是專制的政權與文化,因此它也會不斷地製造道德的混亂,也會對人不斷地進行洗腦,也會不斷地設法使人變成低智商的動物,不是嗎?”


