
Hugo: “中華盛世”的本質

在中華文化的大糞坑裡,江胡蛇(John 8:44)指著“兩彈一星、神舟號、奧運、加入世界貿易組織、假GDP數據、上海世博、擴增軍費”等虛無者屍體對大眼蛇說,“我覺得‘江胡盛世’比‘大周盛世、大秦盛世、大漢盛世、大唐盛世、大宋盛世、大明盛世、康雍乾盛世’更強大,更符合‘商鞅的富國強兵’的理想,更符合‘五四運動的富國強兵’的目標,已達‘中華盛世’的最高標準,不是嗎?”

大眼蛇說,“那麼為啥有人會說‘現今的年代, 更是一個不守憲法的政權,更是一個暴力與謊言的政權,更是一個殺人的政權,又經常犯法犯罪,有權者欺壓無權者,破紀錄的近於無官不貪,官員如同強盜,貪官捲款大出走,特權到處是,毒食品遍地是,謊話滿天飛,騙子滿街跑,拐賣兒童案件屢發生,數百萬位街頭流浪兒童無人救助,一胎化政策不斷在絞殺無數未出生的嬰兒,衛生九流, 娛樂色情場所多過銀行超市,十河九變臭水渠,癌症村多如蘑菇,群體事件此起彼落,工業意外此起彼落,家家喝毒奶,家家喝毒水,家家吃毒食品,水源污染,空氣污染,土地污染,森林死亡,地溝油氾濫,愛滋病擴散,校園頻傳殺幼童血案,醫院外頻傳拒收無錢的病患,醫療專業向錢看,教育等於是洗腦,學生各種因素死傷世界排命名名列前矛,各種災害每每百年一遇,環境浩劫,礦難,豆腐渣工程,販賣活體人器官,假文憑與學位多如牛毛,黑獄,誤判不成比例,權貴潛建,城管打人,法院是黨開的,強迫拆遷,劃公家地收錢,農民依然貧困,上訪者還在豬圈裡繞圈子,人命不值錢,訪民與冤民無數,權謀詭詐是陽規則,坑矇拐騙是常態,假大空是慣例,人心腐敗,道德墮落,笑貧不笑宦奴娼,功利主義橫行,人皆投機取巧,人皆好走捷徑,人皆見死不救,人皆明哲保身,人皆談錢不談道德,官商勾結害人,大地資源被掏空,受害者也是害人者,痛恨罪惡者也是罪惡的製造者,痛恨殺人政權者也是殺人政權的擁護者,殺人者還在展示得意的微笑,受壓迫者還在不斷地麻醉,受虐者還在不斷地欺騙自己......已經62年了(1949-2011年),已經三代人了,人還在繼續腐敗與犯罪,社會還在繼續生病,社會還是什麽垃圾主義初階,這吃人的政權不是無道德與無能力又是什麽?’呢?”

大糞坑外,烏鴉望著坑裡正在踐踏“Individual dignity, integrity, faith, hope, love, justice, morality, freedom, liberty, free will rights, confidence, creativity, joy, happiness and peace”的群蛇說,“經上說,‘God went on to say: Let us make man in our image, according to our likeness.’(Gen 1:26),這些蛇如何能了解‘Although humans were created to be God-like, we are now sinful and unlike God in our morality (Rom. 3:10, 23). we are still considered to be in God's image(Gen. 9:6; Jam. 3:9)’?如何能了解‘Jesus Christ is the perfect image of God’(Col 1:15; 2 Cor 4:4; Col 1:15; Heb 1:3)?如何能了解‘Trust and Follow Jesus Christ our Lord’(John 14:6; John 8:12)可以幫助人‘Restoring the Image of God’(2 Cor 3:18; Gal 4:19; Eph 4:13; Col 3:10; Rom 8:29-30; 1 Cor 15:49; 1 John 3:2)與‘Ministering to the Image of God’(Eph 4:12-13; Jam 2:15-17; Matt 25:31-46; Gal 6:10; Jam 1:27; Heb 5:14; 1 Jo 3:1-3; 5:2; Jam 1:27; Heb 10:25) ?如何能了解‘All men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.’呢?”

2011-3-10(Hugo Liberalitas:http://hugolovelordjesuschrist.blogspot.com/)

Ps, Jehovah God created the first humans in the image of God, in the likeness of God(Gen 1:26-30). Ex. Spiritual purity, spiritual chastity, spiritual dignity, spiritual character, spiritual mind, spiritual soul, spiritual integrity, love, justice, honesty, self-control, moral judgments, consciousness, goodness, benevolence, kindness, loyalty, peace, mercy, compassion, bravery, modesty, altruism, generosity, sacrifice, persistence, effort, rectitude, wisdom, free will, creativity, personality, intellectual and relational abilities, social skills and learning, abstract thinking, logical thinking, patience, fortitude, prudence, diligence, etc.