
Hugo: 大紅龍又在喊殺人了

在撒但教的教堂裏,有兩蛇在比賽喊“殺人”,孔丘蛇大喊, “我要殺死少正卯,我要殺死反對我者,我要殺死我討厭者,否則我就不是孔丘蛇了,不是嗎?”

毛澤東蛇大喊, “我要殺死所有的少正卯,我要殺死所有的反對我者,我要殺死我所有的討厭者,否則我就不是毛澤東蛇了,不是嗎?”

教堂外,烏鴉說, “經上說,‘Anyone shedding man’s blood, by man will his own blood be shed, for in God’s image he made man. And as for YOU men, be fruitful and become many, make the earth swarm with YOU and become many in it.’(Gen 9:6-7),這些崇拜暴力殺人者與日本軍閥何異?這些崇拜暴力殺人者與納粹何異?這些崇拜暴力殺人者與過去的國民黨何異?這些崇拜暴力殺人者與共產黨何異?這些崇拜暴力殺人者如何能逃過耶和華的大怒(Rom 1:18-32; Rev 21:8)呢?”

2011-3-20(Hugo Liberalitas:http://hugolovelordjesuschrist.blogspot.com/)