
Hugo: 一切都要為榮耀耶和華而做


螢火蟲不同意地說,“經上說,‘Yours, O Jehovah, are the greatness and the mightiness and the beauty and the excellency and the dignity; for everything in the heavens and in the earth is [yours]. Yours is the kingdom, O Jehovah, the One also lifting yourself up as head over all. The riches and the glory are on account of you, and you are dominating everything; and in your hand there are power and mightiness, and in your hand is [ability] to make great and to give strength to all. And now, O our God, we are thanking you and praising your beauteous name.’ (1 Chronicles 29: 11-13),你怎麼可以崇拜人的權威與偶像,而忘記了對造物主表達最高的敬畏與感恩?做為一個飽受恩惠與照顧的受造者而言,一切都要為榮耀耶和華而做,不是嗎?”

2010-1-13(Hugo Liberalitas:http://hugolovelordjesuschrist.blogspot.com/