
Hugo: 中華文化盛產“天子、父母官與老百姓”等偽概念

在中華文化的大糞坑裡(Acts 2:40; Matt 12:39; Matt 17:17; Luke 9:41; Luke 11:29),有兩蛆正在邊吃糞邊談話,毛澤東蛆對孔丘蛆說,“你看,這坑裡的‘老百姓跪父母官,老百姓跪天子’,這坑裡的‘老百姓面朝黃土背朝天,父母官洋酒鮑魚得清閑’ ,這坑裡的‘老百姓對皇帝敬之如父,禮之如天’,不是嗎?”;孔丘蛆說,“舜其大孝也與!德為聖人,尊為天子,富有四海之內,宗廟饗之,子孫保之。故大德,必得其位,必得其祿,必得其名,必得其壽。故天之生物,必因其材而篤焉,故栽者培之,傾者覆之。詩曰:嘉樂君子,憲憲令德。宜民宜人,受祿于天。保佑命之,自天申之。故大德者必受命。老百姓焉能不臣服於舜天子?老百姓焉能不感恩戴德於舜天子?”

天空中的飛鳥說,“《Holy Bible》說,‘All this I have seen, and there was an applying of my heart to every work that has been done under the sun, [during] the time that man has dominated man to his injury.’(Ecc 8:9)與‘For anyone in [the] Lord that was called when a slave is the Lord’s freedman; likewise he that was called when a freeman is a slave of Christ. YOU were bought with a price; stop becoming slaves of men.’(1 Cor 7:22-23),這些蛆還在吃中華文化大糞裡的偽概念嗎?”

2011-7-2(Hugo Liberalitas:http://hugolovelordjesuschrist.blogspot.com/)