
Hugo: 無知、虛無、虛空與可憎的“悉達多•喬達摩”



接著,“悉達多•喬達摩”在鹿野苑傳教(John 8:44),他以撒但的謊言來“轉法輪”,結果轉出了“四聖諦”、“八正道”、“十二因緣”、“三十七道品”等更為可笑的謊言;此時,烏鴉唱起了《虛無之歌》,“Look! YOU are something nonexistent, and YOUR achievement is nothing. A detestable thing is anyone that chooses YOU.”(Isa 40:24)

“悉達多•喬達摩”對烏鴉說,“你咋可以這麽對我唱歌呢?”;此時,烏鴉又唱起了《耶和華之歌》,“I myself, Jehovah, have called you in righteousness, and I proceeded to take hold of your hand. And I shall safeguard you and give you as a covenant of the people, as a light of the nations, [for you] to open the blind eyes, to bring forth out of the dungeon the prisoner, out of the house of detention those sitting in darkness. I am Jehovah. That is my name; and to no one else shall I give my own glory, neither my praise to graven images. The first things—here they have come, but new things I am telling out. Before they begin to spring up, I cause YOU people to hear [them].”(Isa 42:6-9)

2011-3-8(Hugo Liberalitas:http://hugolovelordjesuschrist.blogspot.com/)