
Hugo: Right is right!


原因很簡單!因為台灣政客大都是受國民黨的『左派』毒化教育出身的,因此他們才會肯定『羅斯福』(Franklin Delano Roosevelt)錯誤的『新政(The New Deal)』 (國民黨威權政治下的洗腦教育),因此他們不知道『羅斯福將美國的衰退經濟變成了大蕭條經濟』,因此他們不知道『美國哈定總統(Warren Gamaliel Harding)以減縮政府開支(Tax reduction, repeal of wartime excess profits tax)的唯一方式,來面對股市大衰退,並且因而建立了20年代美國大繁榮的經濟』!

因為台灣政客大都是受國民黨的『大政府與家長政治』奴化教育出身的,因此他們不知道許多『雷根』所指出的理念,例如,『Government is like a baby. An alimentary canal with a big appetite at one end and no sense of responsibility at the other. 』、『Government's view of the economy could be summed up in a few short phrases: If it moves, tax it. If it keeps moving, regulate it. And if it stops moving, subsidize it. 』、『Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same. 』、『Government is not a solution to our problem, government is the problem. 』、『The federal government has taken too much tax money from the people, too much authority from the states, and too much liberty with the Constitution. 』,因此他們才會普遍地走錯了方向。

他們應該知道,向左走永遠是錯的,向右走才是對的(Right is right) !右派的理念,就是美國總統『雷根』與英國首相『柴契爾夫人』(Margaret Thatcher) 所提出『新自由主義』(Neo-liberalism)與『減少政府的公共支出』的核心政治理念,也是他兩人留給人類的偉大思想遺產,但是人類經常對它視而不見,尤其是雷根後的美國三任總統!(左派的柯林頓總統,由於與『佔大多數的右派共和黨主導的國會』妥協,因此才有八年的經奇蹟)

如何向右走呢?你必須先接受奠基在認同《聖經》價值理念的『Libertarianism』,你必須理解『Libertarianism』與『Individualism、Liberalism、Spirit of Liberty、Self's moral responsibility』的不可分割關係,你必須接受奠基在認同『Libertarianism』理念的『Natural and legal rights』、『Self-control』、『Self-governance』、『Tripartite separation of executive, legislative, and judicial powers』、『Laissez-faire capitalism』、『Limited Government』、『Low Tax Rates』、『Flat Rate Tax』(The flat tax has a single rate, and the goal is to bring the rate down as low as possible, usually less than 20 percent.)、『Non-aggression principle』與『Nonintervention』,否則你如何能向右走呢?


