
Hugo: 耶穌是世界的光


如果沒有耶穌,人類如何擺脫專制與奴隸的文明?人類如何能有“Individualism、Liberalism” 的理念?人類如何能有“Love your neighbor as yourself、Love your enemy as yourself” 的理念?人類如何能有“Democracy、Individual freedom” 的文明?人類如何能有“All man are created equal、All man have natural human rights、The rule of law” 等的文明?

如果沒有耶穌,人類如何能有“People have the right to establish a nation、People have the right to autonomy、People have the right to establish a Constitution、All power from the people、Limited power of the government、Citizens are not subordinate to the government、Human rights transcend sovereignty、Parliamentary politics and rules、Constitutional government” 等的理念?

如果沒有耶穌,人類如何能有“Freedom of speech and press、Tripartite Separation of Powers (Separation of executive, legislative, and judicial powers)、Enforced the nationalization of the armed forces、Multiparty politics、Social Welfare And Social Provide Systems、Laissez-faire Capitalism、Protecting private property rights、True private property system、Land privatization、Civil rights revolution、Independent State、Constitutional federalism and political federalism” 等的文明?

如果沒有耶穌,人類如何能有“Only Truth can set us free” 的理念?人類如何能有現代的科學文明?人類如何能有“Seeking spirituality、Seeking the spiritual meaning of life” 的理念?人類如何能有“Being filled with joy and with the Holy Spirit、Unity in the Body of Christ”?人類如何能產生American Spirit、Liberal spirit、Christian faith and life?人類如何能產生現在偉大的美國文明?


