
Hugo: 半個多世紀以來,台灣人的吸毒與食毒文化

黑熊對黑面琵鷺說,「為什麼外來的『中華民國』所屬的兩個政黨,『中國國民黨』與『民進黨』都不斷地標榜『清廉』,而卻不是『Individualism、Liberalism、Democracy、Freedom、Freeman、Spirit of Liberty、Absolute moral、All man are created equal、All man have natural human rights、All power from the people、All power belongs to the people、People have the right to establish a nation、People have the right to autonomy、People have the right to establish a Constitution、Citizens are not subordinate to the government、Human rights transcend sovereignty、Limited power of the government、Tripartite Separation of Powers (Separation of executive, legislative, and judicial powers)、Rule of law』與『Government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth』等的理念?而卻不願意真心地推動『三權分立』、『司法獨立』、『廉政公署』、『防止賄賂條例法』(如公務員財產來源不明罪)、『陽光法案』與『陽光政治』呢?」


2008-10-22(Hugo Liberalitas:http://blog.roodo.com/hugoliu1)

