
Hugo: 當土地的主人的勇氣與決心


黑面琵鷺氣憤地說,「台灣人被日本統治了50年(1895-1945年),台灣人被國民黨專制政權統治了55年(1945-2000年),台灣人當被統治者慣了!台灣人現在還在接受漢人專制與奴化的教育,他們如何能有『Individualism、Liberalism、Spirit of Liberty、Absolute moral、All man are created equal、All power belongs to the people、People have the right to establish a nation、People have the right to autonomy、People have the right to establish a Constitution、All power from the people、Citizens are not subordinate to the government、Human rights transcend sovereignty、Limited power of the government、Tripartite Separation of Powers (Separation of executive, legislative, and judicial powers)、Rule of law』與『Government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth』等的理念呢?」

「如果他們沒有堅定的『Individualism、Liberalism、Spirit of Liberty、Absolute moral、All man are created equal、All power belongs to the people、People have the right to establish a nation、People have the right to autonomy、People have the right to establish a Constitution、All power from the people、Citizens are not subordinate to the government、Human rights transcend sovereignty、Limited power of the government、Tripartite Separation of Powers (Separation of executive, legislative, and judicial powers)、Rule of law』與『Government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth』等理念,那麼他們如何能有當土地的主人的勇氣與決心呢?」

2008-10-22(Hugo Liberalitas:http://blog.roodo.com/hugoliu1)

