
Hugo: 華共如何金蟬脫殼而擺脫共產主義急速死亡的命運?

在黑暗的世界裡,熊貓對天空中的螢火蟲說,“鑒於蘇聯政權一夕瓦解的清楚事實,華共早就用‘小康社會’(儒教用語)、‘三個代表’(以民為本)、‘和諧社會’(和為貴) 、‘八榮八恥’(現代版的四維八德)、‘弘揚中華文化’、‘中華民族偉大復興’(儒教興華夏思想)、‘尊孔讀經’、‘立孔像’、‘建孔子學院’等‘儒教的鬼符咒’偷換‘馬列主義的鬼主牌’了,華共早已用‘中華文化’的鬼符咒來護身了,這‘中華文化’專制符咒比‘馬列主義的鬼主牌’更毒,這不就是華共如何金蟬脫殼而擺脫共產主義急速死亡命運的秘訣嗎?”

天空中的螢火蟲說,“主耶穌基督說,‘Now this is the basis for judgment, that the light has come into the world but men have loved the darkness rather than the light, for their works were wicked. For he that practices vile things hates the light and does not come to the light, in order that his works may not be reproved. But he that does what is true comes to the light, in order that his works may be made manifest as having been worked in harmony with God.’(John 3:19-21),‘Light’(Christian civilization; Jehovah's commandments and Jesus' gospel)來了,這‘中華文化’的鬼符咒如何能長久地維護這蛇(華共)的存在命運(Rev 21:8)呢?”

2011-9-22(Hugo Liberalitas:http://hugolovelordjesuschrist.blogspot.com/)