
Hugo: Respect for individual dignity and individual rights

在中正紀念堂前廣場,黑面琵鷺對熊貓說,“我只要看見這皇帝靈堂內的‘蔣像’,我就會想到‘孔丘殺少正卯’與‘孔丘殺優倡侏儒’的殘忍手法,這‘蔣像’就是‘孔丘(撒但)的殺人微笑’,這‘蔣像’就是‘殘忍的中華文化’,在‘殘忍的中華文化’裏完全沒有‘Respect for individual dignity and individual rights’,不是嗎?”

在天安門前廣場,熊貓對黑面琵鷺說,“我只要看見這皇城樓上掛的‘毛像’,我就會想到‘秦始皇大屠殺人’與‘張獻忠與李自成大屠殺人’的殘忍手法,這‘毛像’就是所謂的‘聖王(撒但)的殺人微笑’,這‘毛像’就是‘殘忍的中華文化’,在‘殘忍的中華文化’裏根本沒有‘Respect for human dignity and human rights’,不是嗎?”

天空中的飛鳥說,“《Holy Bible》說,‘God went on to say: Let us make man in our image, according to our likeness, and let them have in subjection the fish of the sea and the flying creatures of the heavens and the domestic animals and all the earth and every moving animal that is moving upon the earth. And God proceeded to create the man in his image, in God’s image he created him; male and female he created them.’(Gen 1:26-27),你不可能在人類的任何文明裏找到‘Respect for individual dignity and individual rights’的信念,你只能在‘Christian Civilization’(Jehovah's commandments and Jesus' gospel)找到‘Respect for individual dignity and individual rights’的信念,不是嗎?”

2011-9-5(Hugo Liberalitas:http://hugolovelordjesuschrist.blogspot.com/)