

中華黑洞文化不接受Light, 中華絕望文化不接受Hope, 中華虛無文化不接受Joy, 中華殺人與吃人文化不接受Human life and dignity, 中華奴人文化不接受Individual dignity, 中華虐獸(人會虐獸就會虐人)文化不接受Animal life and dignity, 中華太極文化不接受Moral and truth, 中華中庸文化不接受Moral and truth, 中華禮(等級)文化不接受All men are created equal, 中華崇古文化不接受Creativity, 中華家長制文化不接受Independent personality, 中華孝道文化不接受Individual dignity and free will, 中華專制文化不接受Spirit of Liberty, 中華人情文化不接受Moral and justice, 中華愛國文化不接受Individual love, 中華親親相隱文化不接受Moral and Truth, 中華愛親族文化不接受Love your neighbor as yourself, 中華麻木不人、明哲保身與見死不救文化不接受Love your neighbor as yourself, 中華拜祖先文化不接受Love Jehovah your God with your whole heart and with your whole soul and with your whole strength and with your whole mind, 中華崇名利權位文化不接受Spiritual values of life, 中華崇權謀詭詐、坑矇拐騙、假大空、厚黑文化不接受Ten Commandments, 中華牆頭草、見風轉舵、不擇手段與勝者為王文化不接受Ten Commandments, 中華紅包與貪腐文化不接受Ten Commandments, 中華容忍邪惡文化不接受Ten Commandments, 中華群體文化不接受Individual dignity, 中華種族文化不接受Individual justice, 中華種族中心與種族排外文化不接受Love your neighbor as yourself, 中華華化文化不接受Individual dignity and free will, 中華大一統文化不接受Independent state and self-determination.

2010-7-22(Hugo Liberalitas:http://hugolovelordjesuschrist.blogspot.com/)