

在殷商大巫王殿裡,巫師蛇拿著甲骨文對大巫王蛇說,“你看甲骨文的‘人’,是‘側身而立的人形’,它只有‘一手與一腿’,這是一個多麼‘物化’的符咒呀?”;大巫王微笑地說,“這種‘物化’的符咒可以將人圈在‘物質’(Material Values)的世界裡,它可以消滅‘Spiritual values of human life’、‘Individual dignity, faith, love, justice, morality, liberty, joy’與‘All men are created equal’等思想,不是嗎?”

巫師蛇又拿著甲骨文對大巫王蛇說,“你看甲骨文的‘民’,是‘以銳物刺瞎左目’(古代將俘虜刺瞎左目,用以爲奴),它代表‘奴隸’,這是一個多麼‘邪惡’的符咒呀?”;大巫王微笑地說,“這種‘邪惡’的符咒可以將人圈在‘邪惡’(Evil Spirits)的世界裡,它可以阻止‘Holy Spirit enters into human spirits’(1 Cor 2:1-16)、‘One in Christ’(Eph 2:11-21)與‘Unity in the Body of Christ’(Eph 4:1-16)等思想,不是嗎?”

烏鴉望著由甲骨文所演化出來的漢文字氣憤地說,“主耶穌基督說,‘YOU are from YOUR father the Devil, and YOU wish to do the desires of YOUR father. That one was a manslayer when he began, and he did not stand fast in the truth, because truth is not in him. When he speaks the lie, he speaks according to his own disposition, because he is a liar and the father of [the lie].’(John 8:44),這種由撒旦所創造的邪惡與物化符咒不就是黑死病毒(Black death virus)?不就是‘Evil Spirits’?不就是‘A biggest tool to destroy individual dignity and freedom’?不就是‘A biggest tool used to enslave people’?不就是‘Satanic Matrix’?不就是‘A tool for murder and cannibalism’?不就是‘中華文化的本質’?”

2010-7- 22 (Hugo Liberalitas:http://hugolovelordjesuschrist.blogspot.com/)