
Hugo: 孔子學院就是潑毒糞學院

在中華專制與奴隸文化的大糞坑裡,一群蛆正在搶吃儒糞,孔儒蛆對宦奴娼蛆說,“我吃這毒糞吃得很痛苦,所以我要全世界的人陪我吃這毒糞,所以我要在全世界開設孔子學院,所以我要把這毒糞潑向全世界,這樣我就不會覺得吃這毒糞是可恥的行為了,不是嗎?”; 宦奴娼蛆說,“儒就是宦奴娼,儒就是閹豬奴,儒就是鬼畜,儒就是毒蛇,儒就是病毒,讓我們將全世界的人都吃這毒糞,這樣我就不會覺得中了儒毒是污穢者了,不是嗎?”

坑外天空中高飛的的老鷹唱著《Prayer to Jehovah God in Time of Trouble》歌,“Judge me, O God, And do conduct my legal case against a nation not loyal. From the man of deception and unrighteousness may you provide me with escape. For you are the God of my fortress. Why have you cast me off ? Why do I walk about sad because of the oppression by the enemy? Send out your light and your truth. May these themselves lead me. May they bring me to your holy mountain and to your grand tabernacle. And I will come to the altar of God, To God, my exultant rejoicing. And I will laud you on the harp, O God, my God. Why are you in despair, O my soul, And why are you boisterous within me? Wait for God, For I shall yet laud him as the grand salvation of my person and as my God.”(Ps 43:1-5)

老鷹望了坑裡無數正在搶儒糞吃的蛆氣憤地說,“這些心靈黑暗的蛆,這些心靈骯髒的蛆,這些心靈變態的蛆,這些心靈惡毒的蛆,這些酷愛黑暗的蛆,這些酷愛毒糞的蛆,這些不願意唱此歌的蛆,如何有能力抵擋耶和華的光(John 1:5)呢?”

2010-7-2(Hugo Liberalitas:http://hugolovelordjesuschrist.blogspot.com/)