
Hugo: 台灣的民主只能生產下流的選舉鬧劇


烏鴉望著造勢晚會裡的蛇的下跪秀與集體歇斯底里的蟻民說,“在這充滿崇尚‘種族、血緣、派系、集體主義、暴力、謊言、等級、差序位格、家長制、權威、特權、名利權位、權謀、中庸、人情、酬庸、權錢交易’等的中華(撒旦)文化怪圈(John 8:44)裡,如何可能產生‘Benjamin Franklin, George Washington, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, John Jay, James Madison, and Alexander Hamilton’?如何可能結出‘《The Mayflower Compact》(1620), 《The Virginia Declaration of Rights》(1776), 《United States Declaration of Independence》(1776),《The Articles of Confederation》(1781), 《The Virginia Statute of Religious Liberty》(1786),《The United States Constitution》(1789), 《United States Bill of Rights》,《The Amendments to the United States Constitution》, 《Abraham Lincoln: Gettysburg Address》(1863), 《Martin Luther King: I Have a Dream》(1963), 《Ronald Reagan speaking at the Annual Convention of the the National Association of Evangelicals》(1983), 《Ronald Reagan speaking in front of the Brandenburg Gate at the Berlin Wall(Tear down this wall!)》(1987)’ 等花朵?”

“經上說,‘God proceeded to create the man in his image, in God’s image he created him; male and female he created them.’(Gen 1:27),在中華(撒旦)文化的精神與道德廢墟裡,台灣人如何可能認知‘All Human Beings Are Created in the Image of God’(Gen 1:26)、‘Spirit of Liberty’(2 Cor 3:17; John 18:36)、‘Freeman’(1 Cor 2:12; 1 Cor 6:19-20; Exo 8:20; Exo 9:1; John 8:32)、‘All men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that they are among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness’(Gen 1:27; Acts 17:26; Rom 2:6; Rom 2:11; Rom 10:12; Acts 10:34-35;Acts 17:26; Malachi 2:10; 1 Peter 1:17-19; Eph 6:5-9; Gal 2:6; Col 2:23-25; Eze 18:30-32; James 2:1-9)等信念?”

“在中華(撒旦)文化的有毒土壤裡,台灣人如何可能建立‘Constitutional Republic’與‘Tripartite Separation of Powers(Separation of executive, legislative, and judicial powers)’文明?”

2010-11-30(Hugo Liberalitas:http://hugolovelordjesuschrist.blogspot.com/)