
Hugo: 那群還跪在大紅龍王座下唱紅歌的奴

在超過八千萬人的屍骨山下,傳來了“起來!不願做奴隸的人們! 把我們的血肉,築成我們新的長城!”的歌聲,山旁的老樹上的麻雀對烏鴉說,“你看,在屍骨山下,現在還有十幾億的奴跪在大紅龍王座下唱這紅歌,你知道他們唱多久了嗎(1949-2010)?”

烏鴉說,“經上說,‘You must not bow down to their gods or be induced to serve them, and you must not make anything like their works, but you will without fail throw them down and you will without fail break down their sacred pillars. And YOU must serve Jehovah YOUR God, and he will certainly bless your bread and your water; and I shall indeed turn malady away from your midst……You are not to conclude a covenant with them or their gods. They should not dwell in your land, that they may not cause you to sin against me. In case you should serve their gods, it would become a snare to you.’(Exodus 23:24-33),你選擇成為‘Jehovah's servant’ (Is 42:1-9; Is 42:19; Is 43:10-13; Is 49:1-13; Is 50:4-11; Is 52:13-15; Is 53:12; Mat 4:10; Ps 23:1-6),還是‘Satan's servant’(Gen 3:15; 2 Cor 4:4; John 8:44; Mat 23:33; Rom 1:25-32; Rev 21:7-10; Rev 21:8)?”

2010-11-6(Hugo Liberalitas:http://hugolovelordjesuschrist.blogspot.com/)