
Hugo: 死人化妝師的化妝術 (The Dead Beautician)


烏鴉指著孔丘屍體旁的少正卯屍體氣憤地說,“主耶穌基督說,‘YOU are from YOUR father the Devil, and YOU wish to do the desires of YOUR father. That one was a manslayer when he began, and he did not stand fast in the truth, because truth is not in him. When he speaks the lie, he speaks according to his own disposition, because he is a liar and the father of [the lie].’(John 8:44),謊話,即使你說了一千遍,它還是謊話!孔丘所講的‘仁義智信’是‘殺人者(孔丘殺少正卯)的白手套’(‘掩護統治者當無賴與屠夫’與‘騙被統治者當聖人與順民’),用完了就可以拋棄了;孔丘所講的‘禮’是包裝‘人的等級意識’的謊言,是建立‘專制’的工具,你不知道嗎?”

2010-9-13(Hugo Liberalitas:http://hugolovelordjesuschrist.blogspot.com/)

Ps, 孔丘所講的“禮”,它是徹底地否定“All men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that they are among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.”的概念,它是徹底地反對“Individual dignity, integrity, faith, hope, love, justice, morality, freedom, liberty, creativity, joy, happiness and peace”的概念,它是徹底地反對“The Spirit of Liberty”、“Freeman”與“Liberal democracy (constitutional democracy) ”的概念,它是建立“ 華夏王權政治” 與“華夏帝國專制政權”的工具。