
Hugo: “三峽大壩”是即將爆發的“數百顆核子彈”

在黑暗的世界裡,毛澤東污鬼(Jer 17:9; Rev 12:9; Mark 5:9; Mat 12:43; Mark 1:26; Luke 4:31-37; Luke 4:41)對撒但說,“你看,我所建造的巴別塔(Gen 11:1-9)--‘三峽大壩’,那不就是我用來否定‘耶和華完美創造萬物’(Gen 1:31)的最大謊言嗎?”;撒但說,“我只要對‘三峽大壩’發動一大地震,那不就是等於引爆‘數百顆核子彈’?那不就是等於活埋數億的人的大水嗎?”

天空中的飛鳥說,“《Holy Bible》說,‘The fear of Jehovah is the beginning of wisdom.All those doing them have a good insight. His praise is standing forever.’(Ps 111:10)與‘In the fear of Jehovah there is strong confidence, and for his sons there will come to be a refuge. The fear of Jehovah is a well of life, to turn away from the snares of death.’(Pro 14:26-27),那些不敬畏耶和華者與不肯向耶和華懺悔者(Matt 4:17),他們將要為他們的愚蠢行為付出大悲慘與大滅絕的代價,不是嗎?”

2011-5-30(Hugo Liberalitas:http://hugolovelordjesuschrist.blogspot.com/)