有一天,烏鴉來到了這一大泡泡前,烏鴉拿起了供桌上的“禮針”將這一大泡泡戳破;頓時之間,一群污鬼蛇哀慟流涕不已,江胡蛇哭著說,“你怎麼可以弄壞這偉大的‘大同思想’偶像,我還指望用它來‘建立大一統’,我還指望用它來‘建立大中國’,我還指望用它來‘建立小康的社會’ 我還指望用它來‘實現中華民族的偉大復興’,你為啥要如此地搞破壞呢?”
天空中的飛鳥說,“《Holy Bible》說,‘And in the days of those kings the God of heaven will set up a kingdom that will never be brought to ruin. And the kingdom itself will not be passed on to any other people. It will crush and put an end to all these kingdoms, and it itself will stand to times indefinite.’(Dan 2:44)與‘But as for the cowards and those without faith and those who are disgusting in their filth and murderers and fornicators and those practicing spiritism and idolaters and all the liars, their portion will be in the lake that burns with fire and sulphur. This means the second death.’(Rev 21:8),你不知道這‘禮針’裡包含了‘聖人(聖王)、君子(君王)、王道、仁政、德治、禮教、華夏種族專制、華夏種族中央集權、華夏種族沙文主義、華夷之辨、華夏種族大一統、華夏種族帝國’等病毒嗎?你不知道‘孔丘的大同思想’是‘監禁奴隸的籠子’(大一統專制)嗎?你不知道‘Jehovah's Kingdom’(Isa 9:6-7; Isa 42:8; Isa 45:18; Isa 55:11; Isa 65:21-24; Mat 4:17; John 3:16; John 17:24-26; Mt 6:10; Dan 2:44; Ps 2:1-12; Ps 37:10-11,29; Isa 2:4; John 5:28-29; Acts 24:15; Isa 35:5; Luke 23:43; Ps 72:7-16; Rev 21:1-7; 2 Peter 3:9,13; Mark 10:30)嗎?你不知道‘Jehovah's Kingdom will soon destroy human governments, and the earth will become a paradise’嗎?”
2011-5-29(Hugo Liberalitas:http://hugolovelordjesuschrist.blogspot.com/)
Ps, 《禮記.禮運》: 昔者仲尼與於蠟賓,事畢,出游於觀之上,喟然而嘆。仲尼之嘆,蓋嘆魯也。言偃在側曰:“君子何嘆?”孔子曰:“大道之行也,與三代之英,丘未之逮也,而有志焉。” 大道之行也,天下為公。選賢與能,講信修睦,故人不獨親其親,不獨子其子,使老有所終,壯有所用,幼有所長,矜寡孤獨廢疾者,皆有所養。男有分,女有歸。貨惡其棄於地也,不必藏於己;力惡其不出於身也,不必為己。是故謀閉而不興,盜竊亂賊而不作,故外戶而不閉,是謂大同。