
Hugo: 古蛇用“人人平等”的謊言來迷惑人

在中華豬圈裏,經常被大紅龍(Rev 3:1; Rev 18:1-24; John 8:44; Rev 12:9; Rev 20:2)奴役與虐待的竇娥對烏鴉說, “自古以來,在人類的世界裏(Rom 5:12; Rom 3:23; Rom 1:18-32; Rom 3:10-18),何時存在過‘人人平等’(Ecc 8:9)了?所謂的‘人人平等’不就是騙子用來唬人與騙人的謊言嗎?”

烏鴉說,“那古蛇(Gen 3:15; John 8:44)故意將‘All men are created equal’(Gen 1:27; Gen 2:7)翻譯成‘人人平等’(All men are born equal),那古蛇故意將‘Jehovah, the Almighty, the creator, the life giver, the father of all creation, the lover of justice, the sovereign God, the King of enternity’(Rev 15:3; Gen 1:1-31; Rev 4:11; Mat 23:9; Ps 37:28; Ps 73:28; John 3:16 )從‘All men are created equal’去除,如此古蛇不就可以用‘人人平等’的謊言來迷惑人、唬人、騙人、殺人、吃人了嗎?”

2011-1-29(Hugo Liberalitas:http://hugolovelordjesuschrist.blogspot.com/)