
Hugo: 《四庫全書》都是垃圾


它的所有價值觀與思想,完全違反耶穌絕對道德與十誡的理念,完全違反“Individualism、Liberalism、True love、True humanity、Absolute justice、Democracy、Freedom、All man are created equal、Natural human rights、All power belongs to the people、Rule of law、Spirit of liberty、True blessedness、Freeman、The Separation of The Three Powers(executive, legislative and judicial)、Human rights transcending sovereignty、Sovereign power is in the People and guarantee civil rights、People have the right of self-determination、People have the right to establish a nation、People have the right of autonomy、People have the right to establish a Constitution、Laissez-faire economy、Limited power of the government、Small government、People have the inalienable right to choose their public officials and to dismiss them、All of the people shall be respected as individuals、All public officials are servants、People have the right of revolution、Peoples have the right to own guns與People have the rights to live, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness”等理念,這樣的文化產物是邪惡的、害人的、殺人的、吃人的,它不就是人間最骯髒的垃圾嗎?


