
Hugo: 毛澤東思想就是儒家思想

在撒但教的神壇上,高坐在由超過八千萬人骨建成的寶座的毛澤東蛇(John 8:44)對正在啃食人肉的孔丘蛇(John 8:44)說,“你說‘仁者愛人’與‘己所不欲,勿施于人’而你卻殺人,我說‘人民萬歲!’與‘全心全意地為人民服務’而我卻殺人民,這不就是儒家的‘說一套做一套’的道理?你用刀殺少正卯,我說‘槍杆子裏面出政權’,這不就是儒家的一脈相承的殺人道理?”;孔丘蛇微笑地說,“善哉,善哉,爾深知吾之權謀術(騙別人當聖人,自己當牛氓無賴),爾深知儒(撒但)教,爾實吾之知音也!唯知者能騙人,能唬人,不能騙人與不能唬人者,焉得知?”

烏鴉望著神壇上的蛇說,“經上說,‘YOU must take no ransom for the soul of a murderer who is deserving to die, for without fail he should be put to death. And YOU must not take a ransom for one who has fled to his city of refuge, to resume dwelling in the land before the death of the high priest. And YOU must not pollute the land in which YOU are; because it is blood that pollutes the land, and for the land there may be no atonement respecting the blood that has been spilled upon it except by the blood of the one spilling it. And you must not defile the land in which YOU are dwelling, in the midst of which I am residing; for I Jehovah am residing in the midst of the sons of Israel.’(Numbers 35:31-34),這些拒絕‘Jehovah's commandments and Jesus' gospel’(Is 42:8; Mt 22:36-40; Exo 20:2-17; Deu 5:6-21; Mt 4:10)的殺人者與說謊者,未來如何能逃過被耶和華大除滅的命運(Rev 21:8)呢?”

2010-12-8(Hugo Liberalitas:http://hugolovelordjesuschrist.blogspot.com/)