孔丘古蛇行完了巫術後,一群毒蛇(Mat 3:7; Mat 23:33; Mat 12:34)立即爬上祭台上將少正卯的屍體啃食殆盡,孔丘古蛇望著少正卯的白骨自豪地對女媧古蛇說,“我已經將‘《易》的巫毒’注入到‘中華文化偶人’裡了,未來那些崇拜這‘中華文化偶人’者能不中此蠱毒嗎?”;女媧古蛇微笑地說,“那些崇拜這‘中華文化偶人’者能不死在這‘Sins’裡(Romans 6:23)嗎?”
教堂外的烏鴉說,“經上說,‘The crash of revolters and that of sinful ones will be at the same time, and those leaving Jehovah will come to their finish. For they will be ashamed of the mighty trees that YOU people desired, and YOU will be abashed because of the gardens that YOU have chosen.’(Is 1:28-29),那些拜偶像(Romans 1:24-32)而離棄耶和華者如何能不被大滅絕(Rev 21:8)呢?”
2010-12-8(Hugo Liberalitas:http://hugolovelordjesuschrist.blogspot.com/)