

《聖經‧舊約》的《出埃及記》的31、32、33、34等篇章,必須連起來閱讀,否則你如何可能理解God對人類的計畫?否則你如何可能理解『God is love』、『God's steadfast Love and Justice』、『God loved the people of this world so much』(John 3:16)等的意義?

(Exodus 31:12-17)記載: And the LORD spoke unto Moses, saying: 'Speak thou also unto the children of Israel, saying: Verily ye shall keep My sabbaths, for it is a sign between Me and you throughout your generations, that ye may know that I am the LORD who sanctify you. Ye shall keep the sabbath therefore, for it is holy unto you; every one that profaneth it shall surely be put to death; for whosoever doeth any work therein, that soul shall be cut off from among his people. Six days shall work be done; but on the seventh day is a sabbath of solemn rest, holy to the LORD; whosoever doeth any work in the sabbath day, he shall surely be put to death. Wherefore the children of Israel shall keep the sabbath, to observe the sabbath throughout their generations, for a perpetual covenant. It is a sign between Me and the children of Israel for ever; for in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, and on the seventh day He ceased from work and rested.'



當你讀到(Exodus 31:18) 、(Exodus 32-34)時,你會恍然大悟,當God對以色列人講完『任何人在安息日裡工作要被處死』的誡律後,接著『God 給了摩西寫有《十誡》的石板』、『亞倫造金牛犢』(Golden Calf)、『以色列人遠離了God,祭拜埃及的偶像神』、『摩西向God,為敗壞的以色列人求情』、『摩西怒碎寫有《十誡》的石板』、『God要以色列人離開西奈山』(The Command to Leave Sinai)、『摩西重鑿《十誡》的石板』(Moses Makes New Tablets)、『God與以色列人重新立約』,原來God是要透過對以色列人的安息日誡律,來強調類似耶穌基督所說的『Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind』意義,否則以色列人如何能承擔未來God的大任?如何能將《十誡》的理念帶出西奈山與帶給萬國之人(Exodus 34:10)呢?

在(Exodus 34:10)經文(God與以色列人重新立約)裡說,『And He(God) said: 'Behold, I make a covenant; before all thy people I will do marvels, such as have not been wrought in all the earth, nor in any nation; and all the people among which thou art shall see the work of the LORD that I am about to do with thee, that it is tremendous. 』,如果不讀此文,如果不理解God為何要與以色列人重新立約,如果不理解God為何要挑選以色列人帶《十誡》離開西奈山,如果不理解God為何要以色列人承受未來選民的大任與所有苦難,如果不理解God拯救以色列人與全人類的愛的計畫,你如何能理解God對以色列人所說的『任何人在安息日裡工作要被處死』誡律的背後目的?你如何能理解God的無止境的愛與苦心呢?

God對以色列人所說的『任何人在安息日裡工作要被處死』誡律,帶給了原來是法老王奴隸的以色列人的Freedom,帶給了日後在希臘與羅馬政權統治下的所有奴隸的Freedom,帶給了日後所有在專制政權統治下的所有奴隸的Freedom;那些『工作六天,休息一天』的奴隸,他們也可以與非奴隸一樣,在安息日或禮拜日時,去教堂參加彌撒或禮拜,他們可以自由地入座,他們可以享受『All man are created equal』、『All persons are all equal in Christ』與『All persons are equal before God』等價值理念的權利。

耶穌基督出現後,他才將『安息日』的真正本質指出,耶稣在安息日給人醫病趕鬼,耶稣在安息日掐麥穗給門徒吃,耶稣還比喻說,『你們中間誰有一只羊, 當安息日掉在坑裡, 不把它抓住拉上來呢?人比羊何等貴重呢?所以在安息日作善事是可以的。』(太12:11-12);當法利賽人指責耶稣不守安息日的誡律時,耶稣明確地說他是安息日的主,安息日是爲人設立的,人不是爲安息日設立的。因此,『安息日』的真正本質,不就是『Love』?不就是『敬畏God、愛God、愛人』?不就是『耶穌基督愛的福音』?


耶穌基督的『犧牲之愛』與『捨己之愛』,耶穌基督的『死』與『為人類贖罪』的行為,耶穌基督傳揚了『God的愛的福音』與『God的愛與救贖的理念』,因此改變了『人』與『God』的關係,使原來是『至上權威的God』,變成了耶穌基督口中所稱的『Abba』(亞拉姆語的阿爸) ,『人』與『God』的關係變成了父子的關係,『人』與『God』的關係只有『Love』;當人在閱讀《聖經‧舊約》時,能不先了解這些重要的訊息嗎?

《十誡》是God『拯救全人類靈魂與道德的誡律』,《十誡》是God『拯救對全人類未來命運的計畫』,《十誡》是『幫助全人類通向永生的途徑』,《十誡》是『人類Sin的靈魂獲得救贖的唯一方法』,《十誡》也是體現『God is love』、『God's steadfast Love and Justice』、『God loved the people of this world so much』等本質的聖物,不是嗎?


