
Hugo: “中華文化”是混亂道德意識與宣揚虛無價值的毒瘤

在黑暗的世界裏,孔丘大淫婦(John 8:44)對撒但說,“從《英雄》、《十面埋伏》、《夜宴》、《滿城盡帶黃金甲》、《無極》、《七劍》、《臥虎藏龍》、《無間道》、《 集結號》、《色戒》、《投名狀》、《赤壁》到《讓子彈飛》,我所拍的這些電影不斷在混亂‘Jehovah's commandments and Jesus' gospel’(Is 42:8; Mt 22:36-40; Exo 20:2-17; Deu 5:6-21; Mt 4:10)的道德意識,不斷在宣揚‘名利權位’與‘權謀詭詐’等病毒意識,我讓那些吃‘中華文化’大糞的腦殘者不斷地吸這些白粉與吃這些搖頭丸,他們能不暈死嗎?”

撒但說,“那些世世代代吃‘中華文化’大糞的腦殘者,他們如何能認知 ‘All Human Beings Are Created in the Image of God’(ex. love, justice, wisdom, goodness,kindness, fortitude, prudence, etc.)、‘An individual/Freeman’、‘Spirit of Liberty’、‘Individual dignity, integrity, faith, hope, love, justice, morality, freedom, liberty, free will rights, creativity, joy, happiness and peace’、‘All men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that they are among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness’等信念?他們如何能有‘Independent logical thinking and abstract thinking’與‘Spiritual ideals and values’等意識?他們如何能成為‘A new creation’(2 Cor 5:17-18; 2 Cor 5:20; Phi 3:20; 1 Cor 6:19-20; 1 Cor 2:12)?他們只不過是追逐‘名利權位’的毒蛆與擅長‘權謀詭詐’的毒蛇,不是嗎?”

2011-2-27(Hugo Liberalitas:http://hugolovelordjesuschrist.blogspot.com/)