
Hugo: 肥貓政府的腐敗

在某肥貓政府(高稅收與大政府)的機構裡,牆上掛著“肥貓救主奧巴馬”的畫像,畫像下有兩隻肥貓在閒聊,正在塗指甲油的A微笑地對B說, “在這裡,政府保障你一切,只要你準時打卡就完全交差了!你可以泡茶、喝咖啡、看書報雜誌與上網漫遊,你可以用政府的權力來欺壓民眾,你可以用政府的權力來娛樂自己,你根本不需要工作,你還可以享有高工資與高福利,不是嗎?”

正在修指甲的B也微笑地說, “在這裡,一個人的工作需要兩個以上的人來做,一件事情要花兩倍以上的時間來做,一個打出電話要分許多次來講,一個打入電話要分許多次來回答,這樣每個人不是比較輕鬆嗎?”

螢火蟲氣憤地說,“經上說,‘The lazy one is showing himself desirous, but his soul [has] nothing. However, the very soul of the diligent ones will be made fat.’(Prov 13:4)、‘The plans of the diligent one surely make for advantage, but everyone that is hasty surely heads for want.’(Prov 21:5)、‘Let the stealer steal no more, but rather let him do hard work, doing with his hands what is good work, that he may have something to distribute to someone in need.’(Eph 4:28)與‘If anyone does not want to work, neither let him eat.’(2 Th 3:10)。以上的經文,這些吃人的肥貓能理解嗎?”

2010-3-22(Hugo Liberalitas:http://hugolovelordjesuschrist.blogspot.com/)