
Hugo: 巴比倫文化已滲入了基督教

在充滿巴比倫偶像崇拜文化的世界裡,大淫婦狂笑地對螢火蟲說, “你看,巴比倫的三位一體神論(巴比倫的三位一體神,是由太陽神Shamash、月神Sin、女神Ishtar合成)、崇拜十字架(十字架代表巴比倫的太陽神,很多古代教堂的十字架都帶有象徵太陽的圓圈或者光芒裝飾,例如凱爾特十字架)、崇拜女神(稱Mary是天主之母,崇拜Mary偶像)、崇拜各種偶像與物像、靈魂不死論、地獄受苦論、復活節(巴比倫人認為Ishtar每年會進入冥界再復活,因此英文的復活節Easter的字源,即是源於代表愛情、生育與戰爭女神的Ishtar)等,已經成功地滲入了基督教,基督教已經巴比倫化了,不是嗎?”

螢火蟲氣憤地說, “《聖經》說,‘And upon her forehead was written a name, a mystery: Babylon the Great, the mother of the harlots and of the disgusting things of the earth.’(Revelation 17:5),妳豈能蒙蔽(Veil)主耶穌基督的所有信徒呢?”

“《聖經》又說,‘For her sins have massed together clear up to heaven, and God has called her acts of injustice to mind. Render to her even as she herself rendered, and do to her twice as much, yes, twice the number of the things she did; in the cup in which she put a mixture put twice as much of the mixture for her. To the extent that she glorified herself and lived in shameless luxury, to that extent give her torment and mourning. For in her heart she keeps saying, I sit a queen, and I am no widow, and I shall never see mourning. That is why in one day her plagues will come, death and mourning and famine, and she will be completely burned with fire, because Jehovah God, who judged her, is strong.’(Revelation 18:5-8),妳還能繼續同地上的君王行淫與在人間掌權多久呢?”

2009-11-4(Hugo Liberalitas:http://hugolovelordjesuschrist.blogspot.com/)