螢火蟲回答,“《聖經》說,‘Because he has set a day in which he purposes to judge the inhabited earth in righteousness by a man whom he has appointed, and he has furnished a guarantee to all men in that he has resurrected him from the dead.’(Acts 17:31)、‘But the nations became wrathful, and your own wrath came, and the appointed time for the dead to be judged, and to give [their] reward to your slaves the prophets and to the holy ones and to those fearing your name, the small and the great, and to bring to ruin those ruining the earth.’(Revelation 11:18),那是撒旦的滅亡日(Satan’s Doom) ,那是所有復活者的審判日(Revelation 20:11-15),那是新天新地(The New Heaven and New Earth)的預備日,你不知道這是耶和華榮耀光照的日子嗎?”
2009-11-5(Hugo Liberalitas:http://hugolovelordjesuschrist.blogspot.com/)