
Hugo: 現代科學的三大阻礙物


「當你『否定唯一God的創造』理念時,當你相信『泛神論』的拜獸、植物、山、湖、河、石頭、土地、死人等時,當你相信『亞里士多德』的『人類只有通過人的理性演繹方式,才能獲得知識』理論時,當你相信『亞里士多德』的『諸神論』與『世界沒有開始,也不是由God創造』理論時,當你『否定基督徒Francis Bacon的科學歸納法』時,當你相信希臘人的『行星有內在的智慧與靈魂』理論時,你如何能發展現代科學?」

「當你無法擺脫Albert Einstein所說的『It is harder to crack a prejudice than an atom.』問題時,當『統治者與權力者等人的權威』大於『科學的真理與事實的權威』時,當『統治者與權力者等人的權威』可以限制『科學家追求真理與事實』時,當你否定Francis Bacon所說的『God's first creature, which was light.』、『Science is but an image of the truth. 』、『Science is but an image of the truth.』、『God has placed no limits to the exercise of the intellect he has given us, on this side of the grave.』、『God hangs the greatest weights upon the smallest wires. 』、『Silence is the sleep that nourishes wisdom. 』等理念時,你如何能發展現代科學?」

老鷹提出了意見,「一個科學家,如果不堅定地相信《聖經》裡的『God said, Let us make humankind in our image, after our likeness, so they may rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over all the creatures that move on the earth.』(Genesis 1:26)、『The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom』(Proverbs 9:10, also in Psalm 111:10)、『The truth shall make you free』(John 8:31-32)、『I can do everything through him(Jesus Christ) who gives me strength』(Philippians 4:13)、『If God be for us, who can be against us?』(Romans 8:31)、『Do not fear, for those who are with us are more than those who are with them』(2 Kings 6:16)等理念,他如何能獲得絕對的力量來相信『科學的真理與事實』?他如何能對抗人類所有可笑的『宗教禁忌、人文詛咒、傳統偏見、權力者的權威、權力者的恐嚇、權力者的限制、權力者的暴力、權力者的懲罰與偶像崇拜』呢?Giordano Bruno神父如何能在在羅馬百花廣場(Campo de' Fiori)的火刑柱上,始終拒絕放棄自己所堅持的科學信念呢?」


