
Hugo: 萬具死豬浮江卻靜無聲

在黑暗的殷商大墓裏,大巫師對大紅龍說,“你聽,萬具死豬浮江卻靜無聲!東亞大陸沒有‘A man of righteousness and honor’,東亞大陸只有閹豬,東亞大陸只有奴,東亞大陸只有閹豬與奴合唱的《跪之歌》與《閹豬之歌》,不是嗎?”

黎明時,天空中的飛鳥唱著《A Freeman》歌,“For anyone in [the] Lord that was called when a slave is the Lord’s freedman; likewise he that was called when a freeman is a slave of Christ. YOU were bought with a price; stop becoming slaves of men.”(1 Cor 7:22-23)
2013-3-21(Hugo Liberalitas:http://hugolovelordjesuschrist.blogspot.com/)