
Hugo: “儒教的魔咒”─教人“權謀詭詐”的文化

在充滿“黑暗與邪惡”的龍文化門(龍專制與奴文化、龍血緣與種族文化、龍等級與等級特權文化、龍文字─邪惡與貧困與落後的象形文字、龍語言─貧困與落後的單音節語言、龍之沙文主義─華夷之辨與尊華攘夷、龍之群體主義、龍之大一統政治、中國與中華國─龍之帝國謊言)裏,毛澤東蛇(John 8:44)躺在“超過八千萬人骨”與“無數有毒垃圾食品”堆上唱《蛇術之歌》,“可與共學,未可與適道;可與適道,未可與立;可與立,未可與權(子罕第九)……暴虎馮河,死而無悔者,吾不與也。必也臨事而懼,好謀而成者也(述而第七) ……我則異於是,無可無不可(微子篇第十八) ……子絕四:毋意、毋必、毋固、毋我(子罕篇第九)!”

黎明時,天空中的飛鳥唱著《To my sayings do give ear, O Jehovah; Do understand my sighing. Do pay attention to the sound of my cry for help, O my King and my God, because to you I pray. O Jehovah, in the morning you will hear my voice; In the morning I shall address myself to you and be on the watch. For you are not a God taking delight in wickedness; No one bad may reside for any time with you. No boasters may take their stand in front of your eyes. You do hate all those practicing what is hurtful; You will destroy those speaking a lie.A man of bloodshed and deception Jehovah detests.》(Ps 5:1-6)歌。

2012-1-24(Hugo Liberalitas:http://hugolovelordjesuschrist.blogspot.com/)