
Hugo: “中國”符咒─ 所有東亞大陸人“詛咒”與“苦難”的根源

在龍文化門(龍專制與奴文化─三綱五常與奴人孝道、龍血緣與種族文化─親親為大與親親相隱、龍等級與等級特權文化─追求成為人上人、龍文字─邪惡與貧困與落後的象形文字、龍語言─貧困與落後的單音節語言、龍之沙文主義─華夷之辨與尊華攘夷、龍之群體主義、龍之大一統政治、中國與中華國─龍之帝國謊言)裏,孔丘大紅龍(John 8:44)對撒但說,“你看,這‘中國’符咒’就是我送給東亞大陸人的禁果,他們吃了後就妄尊自大了(Gen 3:5-7),他們吃了後就自認為高人一等了,他們吃了後就仇恨外人了,他們吃了後就成為撒但的苗裔了(Gen 3:15),他們吃了後就永遠無法擺脫永恆回歸詛咒與苦難的命運了(Pro 1:22-33),不是嗎?”

黎明時,天空中的飛鳥唱著《My son, if you will receive my sayings and treasure up my own commandments with yourself, so as to pay attention to wisdom with your ear, that you may incline your heart to discernment; if, moreover, you call out for understanding itself and you give forth your voice for discernment itself, if you keep seeking for it as for silver, and as for hid treasures you keep searching for it, in that case you will understand the fear of Jehovah, and you will find the very knowledge of God. For Jehovah himself gives wisdom; out of his mouth there are knowledge and discernment. And for the upright ones he will treasure up practical wisdom; for those walking in integrity he is a shield, by observing the paths of judgment, and he will guard the very way of his loyal ones. In that case you will understand righteousness and judgment and uprightness, the entire course of what is good. When wisdom enters into your heart and knowledge itself becomes pleasant to your very soul, thinking ability itself will keep guard over you, discernment itself will safeguard you, to deliver you from the bad way, from the man speaking perverse things, from those leaving the paths of uprightness to walk in the ways of darkness, from those who are rejoicing in doing bad, who are joyful in the perverse things of badness; those whose paths are crooked and who are devious in their general course; to deliver you from the strange woman, from the foreign woman who has made her own sayings smooth, who is leaving the confidential friend of her youth and who has forgotten the very covenant of her God. For down to death her house does sink and down to those impotent in death her tracks. None of those having relations with her will come back, nor will they regain the paths of those living. The purpose is that you may walk in the way of good people and that the paths of the righteous ones you may keep. For the upright are the ones that will reside in the earth, and the blameless are the ones that will be left over in it. As regards the wicked, they will be cut off from the very earth; and as for the treacherous, they will be torn away from it.》(Pro 2:1-22)歌。

2012-1-18(Hugo Liberalitas:http://hugolovelordjesuschrist.blogspot.com/)