在龍文化門(龍專制與奴文化、龍文字、龍語言、龍之沙文主義─華夷之辨與尊華攘夷、龍之群體主義、龍大一統政治、中國─龍帝國謊言)裏,懸掛著“大成至聖先師”的匾額,匾額下供奉著殺人魔王孔丘的偶像(Is 42:8; Ps 115:4-8; Ps 135:15-18; Deu 5:8-9; Exo 20:4-6; 1 Cor 10:1-22; Rev 21:8),孔丘偶像的左手拿著殺人的刀,孔丘偶像的右手拿著‘仁者愛人’的旗子,孔丘偶像前有十幾億的蛇(John 8:44)正在進行恭敬的跪拜活動。
毛太祖說,“孔丘以‘仁者愛人’旗子來掩護其邪惡的真面目與殺人的罪行!孔丘殺少正卯時將他安上了黑五類(五惡)的罪名,如此孔丘就可以隨意大興文字獄(Rule by law)了,如此孔丘就可以隨意殺害異己了,如此孔丘就不用受限於法律(Rule of law)與司法審判程序了,這就是‘大成’;孔丘殺了少正卯後暴其屍體三日,這就是‘血祭其權力與權威’,這就是孔丘成就‘至聖’的方法;孔丘殺了少正卯後還高舉‘仁者愛人’旗子,這就是孔丘成就‘先師’的方法,孔丘手上的‘刀’與‘大成至聖先師、仁者愛人’等字裏能不流著人血嗎?”
毛太祖又指著天安門城樓上的毛像說,“我就是靠這些血的密碼悟出‘槍桿子裡面出政權’與‘騙別人當聖人,自己當無賴流氓’的道理,我就是靠這些血的密碼當上龍之奴的偉大導師、領袖、統帥、舵手、戰略家、政治家、 思想家、軍事家、哲學家、詩人、經濟學巨匠、騙子與亂放屁者,我就是靠這些血的密碼取得政權,我就是靠這些血的密碼當上聖王,不是嗎?”
黎明時,野地裏的百合花唱著《To my sayings do give ear, O Jehovah; Do understand my sighing. Do pay attention to the sound of my cry for help, O my King and my God, because to you I pray. O Jehovah, in the morning you will hear my voice; In the morning I shall address myself to you and be on the watch. For you are not a God taking delight in wickedness; No one bad may reside for any time with you. No boasters may take their stand in front of your eyes. You do hate all those practicing what is hurtful; You will destroy those speaking a lie. A man of bloodshed and deception Jehovah detests.》(Ps 5:1-6)與《Anyone shedding man’s blood, by man will his own blood be shed, for in God’s image he made man.》(Gen 9:6)之歌。
天空中的飛鳥唱著《But as for the cowards and those without faith and those who are disgusting in their filth and murderers and fornicators and those practicing spiritism and idolaters and all the liars, their portion will be in the lake that burns with fire and sulphur. This means the second death.》(Rev 21:8)之歌。
2012-1-4(Hugo Liberalitas:http://hugolovelordjesuschrist.blogspot.com/)
Ps, 《荀子•宥坐》記載:“孔子為魯攝相,朝七日而誅少正卯……孔子曰∶‘居。吾語女其故。人有惡者五,而盜竊不與焉:一曰心達而險,二曰行辟而堅,三曰言偽而辯,四曰記醜而博,五曰順非而澤。此五者有一於人,則不得免於君子之誅,而少正卯兼有之。故居處足以聚徒成群,言談足以飾邪營眾,強足以反是獨立,此小人之桀雄也,不可不誅也。是以湯誅尹諧,文王誅潘止,周公誅管叔,太公誅華仕,管仲誅付里乙,子產誅鄧析、史付,此七子者,皆異世同心,不可不誅也。’ ”。孔丘暗殺少正卯之犯罪事實,除《荀子》記載外,《尹文子》、《說苑》、《孔子家語》、《史記》等書也有記載。