
Hugo: 辛亥革命圖騰與百年專制的必然性


蔣蛇望著孫蛇像說,“那不就是‘驅逐韃虜,恢復中華’嗎?”;毛蛇也望著孫蛇像說,“那‘中華’不就是‘華族政權掌控的中國’嗎?那‘中國’ 不就是‘華族政權主導的大一統中國’嗎?那‘華族政權主導的大一統中國’能不實行‘華族政權掌控的一黨專制’嗎?那‘華族政權主導的大一統中國’能不對反‘華族政權掌控的一黨專制’者進行‘大屠殺’嗎?”

天空中的飛鳥說,“這國共所供奉的‘辛亥革命’圖騰,不就是‘消滅非華族政權’、‘華族政權主導的大一統中國’ 、‘對反大一統中國者的大屠殺’與‘華族政權掌控的一黨專制政權’的招魂幡?這招魂幡裏能容納得下‘Christian civilization’(Jehovah's commandments and Jesus' gospel)、‘All men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that they are among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness’、‘Human dignity and human rights are God-given’(All Human Beings Are Created in the Image of God; Individual dignity and individual rights come from God, not from anyone)、‘Spirit of Liberty’(2 Cor 3:17; John 18:36; James 4:4)、‘An individual/Freeman’(Individual dignity, integrity, life, love, justice, liberty, equality, moral responsibility and Individual rights)、‘Government is a servant of the citizen, the citizen is not a servant of the government’、‘Constitutional Republic and Separation of three powers and counterbalance’等信念嗎?”

2011-10-10(Hugo Liberalitas:http://hugolovelordjesuschrist.blogspot.com/)