烏鴉說,“《Holy Bible》說,‘His spirit goes out, he goes back to his ground; In that day his thoughts do perish.’(Ps 146:4)與‘For the living are conscious that they will die; but as for the dead, they are conscious of nothing at all, neither do they anymore have wages, because the remembrance of them has been forgotten. Also, their love and their hate and their jealousy have already perished, and they have no portion anymore to time indefinite in anything that has to be done under the sun. Go, eat your food with rejoicing and drink your wine with a good heart, because already the [true] God has found pleasure in your works. On every occasion let your garments prove to be white, and let oil not be lacking upon your head. See life with the wife whom you love all the days of your vain life that He has given you under the sun, all the days of your vanity, for that is your portion in life and in your hard work with which you are working hard under the sun. All that your hand finds to do, do with your very power, for there is no work nor devising nor knowledge nor wisdom in She´ol, the place to which you are going.’(Ecc 9:5-10),你忘記了古蛇的謊言(Gen 3:4)與耶和華的話(Gen 3:19),你忘記了誰是‘Father’(Matt 23:9),你忘記了主耶穌基督所說的‘The harvest is great, the laborers few’(Matt 9:35-38),你忘記了主耶穌基督所說的‘The greatest commandment’(Matt 22:34-40),你忘記了主耶穌基督‘沒有枕頭的地方’(Matt 8:18-22),你忘記了主耶穌基督的囑咐(Luke 14:25-33; Matt 10:34-39; Mark 6:7-13; Matt 28:16-20; Matt 14:22-31; Matt 15:8; Matt 16:24-26; Matt 7:13-14; Matt 7:21)? 你忘記了主耶穌基督來世界的目的(John 3:16; Matt 4:10; John 4:34; John 14:23; Matt 6:9-13; Matt 24:45-51; Matt 25:1-13; John 5:28-29; Rev 21:1-8),不是嗎? ”
2011-4-8(Hugo Liberalitas:http://hugolovelordjesuschrist.blogspot.com/)