百合花說,“《Holy Bible》說,‘The hand of the diligent ones is the one that will rule, but the slack hand will come to be for forced labor.’(Pro 12:24)、‘Go to the ant, you lazy one; see its ways and become wise. Although it has no commander, officer or ruler, it prepares its food even in the summer; it has gathered its food supplies even in the harvest. How long, you lazy one, will you keep lying down? When will you rise up from your sleep? A little more sleep, a little more slumbering, a little more folding of the hands in lying down, and your poverty will certainly come just like some rover, and your want like an armed man.’(Pro 6:6-11) 、‘By every kind of toil there comes to be an advantage, but merely the word of the lips [tends] to want.’(Pro 14:23)、‘Because of winter the lazy one will not plow; he will be begging in reaping time, but there will be nothing.’(Pro 20:4)、‘The very craving of the lazy will put him to death, for his hands have refused to work.’(Pro 21:25)、‘In fact, also, when we were with YOU, we used to give YOU this order: If anyone does not want to work, neither let him eat.’(2 Thessalonians 3:10)與‘But as to this, he that sows sparingly will also reap sparingly; and he that sows bountifully will also reap bountifully.’(2 Cor 9:6),這崇拜權力偶像(Matt 4:9)與行事詭詐(Ps 37:10,20; Ps 68:2; Ps 112:10; Jer 17:9)的吸血鬼,未來如何能逃過被火焚(Rev 21:8)的命運?”
2011-4-18(Hugo Liberalitas:http://hugolovelordjesuschrist.blogspot.com/)