野地裡的百合花說,“《Holy Bible》說,‘Because of winter the lazy one will not plow; he will be begging in reaping time, but there will be nothing.’(Pro 20:4)與‘In fact, also, when we were with YOU, we used to give YOU this order: If anyone does not want to work, neither let him eat.’(2 Thessalonians 3:10),奧巴馬蛇創造了一個鼓勵人當懶人與窮人的社會,牠創造了一個鼓勵人釋放人的惡性的社會,牠創造了這麼多的社會寄生蟲,牠還想要用‘仇恨富人’與‘增加富人稅’的毒藥來延續社會的腐敗與貧窮化?牠還想要用這毒藥來繼續爭取更多寄生蟲的選票與延續權力嗎?”
2011-4-20(Hugo Liberalitas:http://hugolovelordjesuschrist.blogspot.com/)