
Hugo: 人奴文化是怎樣煉成的?

在中華帝國的人肉盛宴裡,大紅龍邊吃人肉邊對古蛇(John 8:44; Rev 12:9)變身的有子太監說,“你要如何幫我建立奴文化?”;有子太監跪在地上回答,“其爲人也孝悌而好犯上者,鮮矣。不好犯上而好作亂者,未之有也。君子務本,本立而道生。孝悌也者,其爲‘奴’(原文為‘仁’)之本與!”( 《論語‧学而第一》)

老鷹氣憤地說,“經上說,‘And God proceeded to create the man in his image, in God’s image he created him; male and female he created them.’(Gen 1:27)與‘And Jehovah God proceeded to form the man out of dust from the ground and to blow into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man came to be a living soul.’(Gen 2:7),這古蛇太監想用‘上下尊卑’的謊言來建立‘人絕對服從人的等級’、用‘絕對服從父’的謊言來建立‘絕對服從君’、用‘絕對服從君父’的謊言來建立‘人奴文化’嗎?這古蛇太監想用‘人奴文化’來否定這經文裡的事實(All men are created equal)嗎?”

2010-4-13(Hugo Liberalitas:http://hugolovelordjesuschrist.blogspot.com/)