
Hugo: 大政府制與社會主義的腐敗文化

在毛巴馬餐廳裡,正在吃人肉的蛇對老鷹說,“所謂的大政府制與社會主義,就是窮人可以吃免費的午餐,就是政府必須長期供養與照顧窮人,就是專門養懶人與創造懶人的社會(窮人不必工作與靠政府養),就是努力工作者為懶人的一切開支買單(懲罰努力工作者)的社會,就是政府有權掌控與分配一切資源的社會(政府干涉一切事務),就是高度創造行賄(以行賄獲取權力所分配的資源)與受賄(權力者可以透過權力壟斷與獲取資源)的社會,就是集體走向黑暗、邪惡、苦難與滅亡的社會(政府變成強盜、生產力下降、經濟破產與道德腐敗),就是撒但充分掌權的社會(1 John 5:19; John 12:31; John 14:30; John 16:11; 2 Cor 4:3-4),不是嗎?”

老鷹氣憤地地說,“ “經上說,‘If anyone does not want to work, neither let him eat.’(2 The 3:10)、‘The lazy one is showing himself desirous, but his soul [has] nothing. However, the very soul of the diligent ones will be made fat.’(Pro 13:4)、‘Valuable things resulting from vanity become fewer, but the one collecting by the hand is the one that makes increase.’(Pro 13:11)、‘and to make it YOUR aim to live quietly and to mind YOUR own business and work with YOUR hands, just as we ordered YOU; so that YOU may be walking decently as regards people outside and not be needing anything.’(1 The 4:11-12)與‘Let the stealer steal no more, but rather let him do hard work, doing with his hands what is good work, that he may have something to distribute to someone in need.’(Eph 4:28)。當你拒絕與違反‘Jehovah's commandments and Jesus' gospel’時,你如何能逃離永恆回歸黑暗、邪惡、苦難與滅亡(Rev 16:14-16; Dan 2:44; Ps 37:10-11)的命運呢?”

2010-4-25(Hugo Liberalitas:http://hugolovelordjesuschrist.blogspot.com/)